Role of the host matrix on the thermal sensitivity of Er3+ luminescence in optical temperature sensors SF León-Luis, UR Rodríguez-Mendoza, P Haro-González, IR Martín, ... Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 174, 176-186, 2012 | 205 | 2012 |
In vivo subcutaneous thermal video recording by supersensitive infrared nanothermometers EC Ximendes, U Rocha, TO Sales, N Fernández, F Sanz‐Rodríguez, ... Advanced Functional Materials 27 (38), 1702249, 2017 | 204 | 2017 |
Dopant distribution in a codoped silica based glass ceramic: An infrared-laser induced upconversion study F Lahoz, IR Martın, J Mendez-Ramos, P Nunez The Journal of chemical physics 120 (13), 6180-6190, 2004 | 185 | 2004 |
Luminescent Nanothermometer Operating at Very High Temperature—Sensing up to 1000 K with Upconverting Nanoparticles (Yb3+/Tm3+) M Runowski, P Woźny, N Stopikowska, IR Martín, V Lavín, S Lis ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (39), 43933-43941, 2020 | 183 | 2020 |
High‐sensitivity fluorescence lifetime thermal sensing based on CdTe quantum dots P Haro‐González, L Martínez‐Maestro, IR Martín, J García‐Solé, D Jaque small 8 (17), 2652, 2012 | 174 | 2012 |
Effects of Er3+ concentration on thermal sensitivity in optical temperature fluorotellurite glass sensors SF León-Luis, UR Rodríguez-Mendoza, IR Martín, E Lalla, V Lavín Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 176, 1167-1175, 2013 | 164 | 2013 |
Comparison of the sensitivity as optical temperature sensor of nano-perovskite doped with Nd3+ ions in the first and second biological windows MA Hernández-Rodríguez, AD Lozano-Gorrín, IR Martín, ... Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 255, 970-976, 2018 | 139 | 2018 |
Optical characterization of Er3+-doped zinc fluorophosphate glasses for optical temperature sensors N Vijaya, P Babu, V Venkatramu, CK Jayasankar, SF León-Luis, ... Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 186, 156-164, 2013 | 133 | 2013 |
Characterization of Er3+ and Nd3+ doped Strontium Barium Niobate glass ceramic as temperature sensors P Haro-González, IR Martín, LL Martín, SF León-Luis, C Pérez-Rodríguez, ... Optical Materials 33 (5), 742-745, 2011 | 130 | 2011 |
Neodymium-doped nanoparticles for infrared fluorescence bioimaging: The role of the host B Del Rosal, A Pérez-Delgado, M Misiak, A Bednarkiewicz, AS Vanetsev, ... Journal of Applied Physics 118 (14), 2015 | 129 | 2015 |
Upconversion mechanisms in rare-earth doped glasses to improve the efficiency of silicon solar cells F Lahoz, C Pérez-Rodríguez, SE Hernández, IR Martín, V Lavín, ... Solar energy materials and solar cells 95 (7), 1671-1677, 2011 | 127 | 2011 |
On the local structure of ions in oxyfluoride glasses. Comparison with fluoride and oxide glasses V Lavın, P Babu, CK Jayasankar, IR Martın, VD Rodrıguez The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 (23), 10935-10944, 2001 | 123 | 2001 |
Optical vacuum sensor based on lanthanide upconversion—luminescence thermometry as a tool for ultralow pressure sensing M Runowski, P Woźny, S Lis, V Lavín, IR Martín Advanced Materials Technologies 5 (4), 1901091, 2020 | 122 | 2020 |
Optical spectroscopy analysis of the Eu3+ ions local structure in calcium diborate glasses V Lavın, UR Rodrıguez-Mendoza, IR Martın, VD Rodrıguez Journal of non-crystalline solids 319 (1-2), 200-216, 2003 | 115 | 2003 |
Energy transfer with migration. Generalization of the Yokota–Tanimoto model for any kind of multipole interaction IR Martın, VD Rodrıguez, UR Rodrıguez-Mendoza, V Lavın, E Montoya, ... The Journal of chemical physics 111 (3), 1191-1194, 1999 | 114 | 1999 |
Upconverting lanthanide doped fluoride NaLuF4: Yb3+-Er3+-Ho3+-optical sensor for multi-range fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) thermometry in visible and NIR regions M Runowski, A Bartkowiak, M Majewska, IR Martín, S Lis Journal of Luminescence 201, 104-109, 2018 | 109 | 2018 |
Sr2LuF7:Yb3+–Ho3+–Er3+ Upconverting Nanoparticles as Luminescent Thermometers in the First, Second, and Third Biological Windows M Runowski, S Goderski, D Przybylska, T Grzyb, S Lis, IR Martín ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (7), 6406-6415, 2020 | 106 | 2020 |
Analysis of Er3+ and Ho3+ codoped fluoroindate glasses as wide range temperature sensor P Haro-González, SF León-Luis, S González-Pérez, IR Martín Materials Research Bulletin 46 (7), 1051-1054, 2011 | 105 | 2011 |
Relevance of radiative transfer processes on Nd3+ doped phosphate glasses for temperature sensing by means of the fluorescence intensity ratio technique C Pérez-Rodríguez, LL Martín, SF León-Luis, IR Martín, KK Kumar, ... Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 195, 324-331, 2014 | 103 | 2014 |
Cooperative energy transfer in codoped silica sol-gel glasses IR Martın, AC Yanes, J Mendez-Ramos, ME Torres, VD Rodrı́guez Journal of Applied Physics 89 (5), 2520-2524, 2001 | 103 | 2001 |