Ray T Alisauskas
Ray T Alisauskas
Wildlife Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada
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Stable-nitrogen isotope enrichment in avian tissues due to fasting and nutritional stress: implications for isotopic analyses of diet
KA Hobson, RT Alisauskas, RG Clark
The Condor 95 (2), 388-394, 1993
The Cost of Egg Laying and Its Relationship to
RT Alisauskas, CD Ankney
The ecology and management of breeding waterfowl, 30, 1992
The dynamics of landscape change and snow geese in mid‐continent North America
KF Abraham, RL Jefferies, RT Alisauskas
Global Change Biology 11 (6), 841-855, 2005
Matriarchal population genetic structure in an avian species with female natal philopatry
JC Avise, RT Alisauskas, WS Nelson, CD Ankney
Evolution 46 (4), 1084-1096, 1992
The role of nutrient reserves in limiting waterfowl reproduction
CD Ankney, AD Afton, RT Alisauskas
The Condor 93 (4), 1029-1032, 1991
Harvest, survival, and abundance of midcontinent lesser snow geese relative to population reduction efforts: Aprovechamiento, Supervivencia y Abundancia del Ganso Blanco del …
RT Alisauskas, RF Rockwell, KW Dufour, EG Cooch, G Zimmerman, ...
Wildlife Monographs 179 (1), 1-42, 2011
Nutrient reserves and the energetics of reproduction in American Coots
RT Alisauskas, CD Ankney
The Auk 102 (1), 133-144, 1985
Winter diets and nutrition of midcontinental lesser snow geese
RT Alisauskas, CD Ankney, EE Klaas
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 403-414, 1988
Arctic climate, spring nutrition, and recruitment in midcontinent lesser snow geese
RT Alisauskas
The Journal of wildlife management, 181-193, 2002
Cross-seasonal effects and the dynamics of waterfowl populations
JS Sedinger, RT Alisauskas
Wildfowl, 277–304, 2014
Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends?
D Ehrich, NM Schmidt, G Gauthier, R Alisauskas, A Angerbjörn, K Clark, ...
Ambio 49, 786-800, 2020
Effects of dietary fiber and diet diversity on digestive organs of captive Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)
FP Kehoe, CD Ankney, RT Alisauskas
Canadian Journal of Zoology 66 (7), 1597-1602, 1988
Nutrient-reserve dynamics and diet of breeding female gadwalls
CD Ankney, RT Alisauskas
The Condor 93 (4), 799-810, 1991
Forced copulation results in few extrapair fertilizations in Ross’s and lesser snow geese
PO Dunn, AD Afton, ML Gloutney, RT Alisauskas
Animal Behaviour 57 (5), 1071-1081, 1999
Spring habitat use and diets of midcontinent adult lesser snow geese
RT Alisauskas, CD Ankney
The Journal of wildlife management, 43-54, 1992
Prolonging the arctic pulse: long‐term exploitation of cached eggs by arctic foxes when lemmings are scarce
G Samelius, RT Alisauskas, KA Hobson, S Larivière
Journal of Animal Ecology 76 (5), 873-880, 2007
Effects of neckbands on survival and fidelity of white-fronted and Canada geese captured as non-breeding adults
RT Alisauskas, MS Lindberg
Journal of Applied Statistics 29 (1-4), 521-537, 2002
Variation in the composition of the eggs and chicks of American Coots
RT Alisauskas
The Condor 88 (1), 84-90, 1986
Nesting Ecology of White-Winged Scoters (Melanitta Fusca Deglandi) at Redberry Lake, Saskatchewan
JJ Traylor, RT Alisauskas, FP Kehoe
The Auk 121 (3), 950-962, 2004
Decadal declines in avian herbivore reproduction: Density‐dependent nutrition and phenological mismatch in the Arctic
MV Ross, RT Alisauskas, DC Douglas, DK Kellett
Ecology 98 (7), 1869-1883, 2017
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Articles 1–20