T. Patrick Xiao
Cited by
Cited by
Fundamental efficiency limit of lead iodide perovskite solar cells
LM Pazos-Outón, TP Xiao, E Yablonovitch
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (7), 1703-1711, 2018
Ultraefficient thermophotovoltaic power conversion by band-edge spectral filtering
Z Omair, G Scranton, LM Pazos-Outón, TP Xiao, MA Steiner, V Ganapati, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (31), 15356-15361, 2019
Analog architectures for neural network acceleration based on non-volatile memory
TP Xiao, CH Bennett, B Feinberg, S Agarwal, MJ Marinella
Applied Physics Reviews 7 (3), 2020
Diffractive spectral-splitting optical element designed by adjoint-based electromagnetic optimization and fabricated by femtosecond 3D direct laser writing
TP Xiao, OS Cifci, S Bhargava, H Chen, T Gissibl, W Zhou, H Giessen, ...
ACS Photonics 3 (5), 886-894, 2016
Physics successfully implements Lagrange multiplier optimization
SK Vadlamani, TP Xiao, E Yablonovitch
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (43), 26639-26650, 2020
Metaplastic and energy-efficient biocompatible graphene artificial synaptic transistors for enhanced accuracy neuromorphic computing
D Kireev, S Liu, H Jin, T Patrick Xiao, CH Bennett, D Akinwande, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 4386, 2022
High-performance near-field electroluminescent refrigeration device consisting of a GaAs light emitting diode and a Si photovoltaic cell
K Chen, TP Xiao, P Santhanam, E Yablonovitch, S Fan
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (14), 2017
Shape‐dependent multi‐weight magnetic artificial synapses for neuromorphic computing
T Leonard, S Liu, M Alamdar, H Jin, C Cui, OG Akinola, L Xue, TP Xiao, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 8 (12), 2200563, 2022
A domain wall-magnetic tunnel junction artificial synapse with notched geometry for accurate and efficient training of deep neural networks
S Liu, TP Xiao, C Cui, JAC Incorvia, CH Bennett, MJ Marinella
Applied Physics Letters 118 (20), 2021
Domain wall-magnetic tunnel junction spin–orbit torque devices and circuits for in-memory computing
M Alamdar, T Leonard, C Cui, BP Rimal, L Xue, OG Akinola, ...
Applied Physics Letters 118 (11), 2021
Electroluminescent refrigeration by ultra-efficient GaAs light-emitting diodes
TP Xiao, K Chen, P Santhanam, S Fan, E Yablonovitch
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (17), 2018
On the accuracy of analog neural network inference accelerators
TP Xiao, B Feinberg, CH Bennett, V Prabhakar, P Saxena, V Agrawal, ...
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 22 (4), 26-48, 2023
In situ Parallel Training of Analog Neural Network Using Electrochemical Random-Access Memory
Y Li, TP Xiao, CH Bennett, E Isele, A Melianas, H Tao, MJ Marinella, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 636127, 2021
An accurate, error-tolerant, and energy-efficient neural network inference engine based on SONOS analog memory
TP Xiao, B Feinberg, CH Bennett, V Agrawal, P Saxena, V Prabhakar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 69 (4), 1480-1493, 2022
Energy and performance benchmarking of a domain wall-magnetic tunnel junction multibit adder
TP Xiao, CH Bennett, X Hu, B Feinberg, R Jacobs-Gedrim, S Agarwal, ...
IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits 5 …, 2019
CrossSim: accuracy simulation of analog in-memory computing
TP Xiao, CH Bennett, B Feinberg, MJ Marinella, S Agarwal
GitHub, v2. 0, https://github. com/sandialabs/cross-sim, 2022
Bayesian neural networks using magnetic tunnel junction-based probabilistic in-memory computing
S Liu, TP Xiao, J Kwon, BJ Debusschere, S Agarwal, JAC Incorvia, ...
Frontiers in Nanotechnology 4, 1021943, 2022
Investigating heavy-ion effects on 14-nm process FinFETs: Displacement damage versus total ionizing dose
MG Esposito, JE Manuel, A Privat, TP Xiao, D Garland, E Bielejec, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68 (5), 724-732, 2021
An analog preconditioner for solving linear systems
B Feinberg, R Wong, TP Xiao, CH Bennett, JN Rohan, EG Boman, ...
2021 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture …, 2021
Irradiation effects on perpendicular anisotropy spin–orbit torque magnetic tunnel junctions
M Alamdar, LJ Chang, K Jarvis, P Kotula, C Cui, R Gearba-Dolocan, Y Liu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68 (5), 665-670, 2021
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Articles 1–20