Articles with public access mandates - Soren Wainio-ThebergeLearn more
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Mindfulness Skills and Experience Are Associated With Enhanced Emotional Body Sensations
S Wainio-Theberge, B Khoury, JL Armony
Mindfulness, 1-12, 2025
Mandates: Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
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Is temporo-spatial dynamics the “common currency” of brain and mind? In quest of “spatiotemporal neuroscience”
G Northoff, S Wainio-Theberge, K Evers
Physics of Life Reviews 33, 34-54, 2020
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, European Commission
Spatiotemporal neuroscience–what is it and why we need it
G Northoff, S Wainio-Theberge, K Evers
Physics of life reviews 33, 78-87, 2020
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, UK Economic and Social Research …
Temporal integration as “common currency” of brain and selfscale‐free activity in resting‐state EEG correlates with temporal delay effects on self‐relatedness
IR Kolvoort, S Wainio‐Theberge, A Wolff, G Northoff
Human brain mapping 41 (15), 4355-4374, 2020
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, European Commission
Dynamic relationships between spontaneous and evoked electrophysiological activity
S Wainio-Theberge, A Wolff, G Northoff
Communications biology 4 (1), 741, 2021
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Variability and task-responsiveness of electrophysiological dynamics: scale-free stability and oscillatory flexibility
S Wainio-Theberge, A Wolff, J Gomez-Pilar, J Zhang, G Northoff
NeuroImage 256, 119245, 2022
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, UK …
Intrinsic neural timescales mediate the cognitive bias of self–temporal integration as key mechanism
A Wolman, Y Çatal, A Wolff, S Wainio-Theberge, A Scalabrini, ...
Neuroimage 268, 119896, 2023
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Antisocial and impulsive personality traits are linked to individual differences in somatosensory maps of emotion
S Wainio-Theberge, JL Armony
Scientific reports 13 (1), 675, 2023
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Culture shapes spontaneous brain dynamics–Shared versus idiosyncratic neural features among Chinese versus Canadian subjects
J Xu, S Wainio-Theberge, A Wolff, P Qin, Y Zhang, X She, Y Wang, ...
Social Neuroscience 18 (5), 312-330, 2023
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, National Natural Science Foundation …
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