Cameron Ford
Cameron Ford
Associate Professor of Management, University of Central Florida
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A theory of individual creative action in multiple social domains
CM Ford
Academy of Management review 21 (4), 1112-1142, 1996
Individual innovation.
JL Farr, CM Ford
John Wiley & Sons, 1990
Factors influencing creativity in the domain of managerial decision making
CM Ford, DA Gioia
Journal of management 26 (4), 705-732, 2000
Creative action in organizations: Ivory tower visions and real world voices
CM Ford, DA Gioia
Sage, 1995
Is money the panacea? Rewards for knowledge workers
G Markova, C Ford
International journal of productivity and performance management 60 (8), 813-823, 2011
How entrepreneurs use networks to address changing resource requirements during early venture development
DM Sullivan, CM Ford
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 38 (3), 551-574, 2014
A time for everything: How the timing of novel contributions influences project team outcomes
C Ford, DM Sullivan
Journal of Organizational Behavior 25 (2), 279-292, 2004
Do graduated university incubator firms benefit from their relationship with university incubators?
V Lasrado, S Sivo, C Ford, T O’Neal, I Garibay
The Journal of Technology Transfer 41, 205-219, 2016
Management as Science versus Management as Practice in Postgraduate Business Education
J Bailey, C Ford
Business Strategy Review 7 (4), 7-12, 1996
The alignment of measures and constructs in organizational research: The case of testing measurement models of creativity
DM Sullivan, CM Ford
Journal of Business and Psychology 25, 505-521, 2010
Creative developments in creativity theory
CM Ford
Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review 25 (2), 284, 2000
Creativity is a mystery: Clues from the investigators’ notebooks
CM Ford
Creative action in organizations: Ivory tower visions and real world voices …, 1995
Do rewards benefit the organization? The effects of reward types and the perceptions of diverse R&D professionals
CC Chen, CM Ford, GF Farris
IEEE transactions on engineering management 46 (1), 47-55, 1999
The role of creative action in organizational learning and change
CM Ford, DT Ogilvie
Journal of Organizational Change Management 9 (1), 54-62, 1996
The futurity of decisions as a facilitator of organizational creativity and change
CM Ford
Journal of Organizational Change Management 15 (6), 635-646, 2002
Linking individual creativity to organizational innovation
RC Litchfield, CM Ford, RJ Gentry
The Journal of Creative Behavior 49 (4), 279-294, 2015
Heuristic transfer in the relationship between leadership and employee creativity
SR McMahon, CM Ford
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 20 (1), 69-83, 2013
Factors associated with creative strategic decisions
CM Ford, MP Sharfman, JW Dean
Creativity and Innovation Management 17 (3), 171-185, 2008
Interpretive style, motivation, ability and context as predictors of executives’ creative performance
CM Ford
Creativity and Innovation Management 8 (3), 188-196, 1999
Multiple visions and multiple voices: Academic and practitioner conceptions of creativity in organizations
CM Ford, DA Gioia
Creative Action in Organizations: Ivory Tower Visions and Real World Voices …, 1995
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