Jeffrey C. Neely
Jeffrey C. Neely
Associate Professor of Journalism, The University of Tampa
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The writing on the wall: A content analysis of college students' Facebook groups for the 2008 presidential election
J Fernandes, M Giurcanu, KW Bowers, JC Neely
Mass communication and society 13 (5), 653-675, 2010
Assessing the value of virtual worlds for post-secondary instructors: A survey of innovators, early adopters and the early majority in Second Life
KW Bowers, MW Ragas, JC Neely
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (1), 40-50, 2009
Listeners, not leeches: What Virginia Tech survivors needed from journalists
K Walsh-Childers, NP Lewis, J Neely
Journal of Mass Media Ethics 26 (3), 191-205, 2011
Virtual possibilities: A constructivist examination of the educational applications of Second Life
JC Neely, KW Bowers, MW Ragas
Journal of Interactive Learning Research 21 (1), 93-110, 2010
Building voices: Teens connect to their communities through youth journalism websites
JC Neely
International Journal of Communication 9, 20, 2015
Plugging in: Possibilities for connecting teens and communities through scholastic and nonscholastic youth media websites
JC Neely
Youth & Society 47 (4), 565-585, 2015
Framing Second Life for use in higher education: An analysis of EDUCAUSE Review and The Chronicle of Higher Education
KW Bowers, DZ Davis, JC Neely
Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education 1 (1), 136-167, 2010
Twice victimized: Lessons from the media mob at Virginia Tech
K Walsh-Childers, N Lewis, J Neely
annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass …, 2008
The Write Stuff: Opportunities and Obstacles in the Classroom.
JC Neely, M Lewis, J Hanc, R Reid
Literary Journalism Studies 10 (1), 2018
At-Risk Youth in After-School Programs: How Does Their Use of Media for Learning About Community Issues Relate to Their Perceptions of Community Connectedness, Community …
RV Barnett, JC Neely, C Payne-Purvis, GR Culen
Journal of youth development 9 (1), 157-169, 2014
Assessing the value of virtual worlds for post secondary educators: a survey of innovators and the early majority in Second Life
K Westmoreland Bowers, MW Ragas, JC Neely
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (1), 40-50, 2009
Literary Journalism and the Pedagogy of Liberal Education
JC Neely, M Lewis
The Routledge Companion to American Literary Journalism, 449-464, 2019
Stories, Students, and Social Justice: Literary Journalism as a Teaching Tool for Change
M Lewis, JC Neely
Literary Journalism and Social Justice, 293-309, 2022
Zoo Story: Narrative, Virtue Ethics, and Deconstructing Dualisms in the Journalism of Thomas French
JC Neely
Journal of Media Ethics 33 (2), 80-91, 2018
Few Top Editors Blog About News Decisions
NP Lewis, J Neely, F Gao
Newspaper Research Journal 32 (2), 63-73, 2011
Measuring Value: Student Perceptions of Literary Journalism's Potential to Promote a Liberal Education
JC Neely
Insights on Literary Journalism, 193-213, 2024
From Shoutin’ to Social Mobility: Negotiating the Southern Self and Social Identity in Rick Bragg’s Memoirs
JC Neely
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 39 (1), 311-325, 2024
Teaching LJ...
JC Neely, M Lewis, J Hanc, R Reid
Literary Journalism Studies, 141, 2018
The Writing on the Wall: A Content Analysis of College Students' Facebook Groups for the 2008 Presidential Election
J Fernandes, M Giurcanu, KW Bowers, JC Neely
New Media, Campaigning and the 2008 Facebook Election, 101-124, 2013
Youth, news, and community: An examination of youth-generated news websites and their potential for promoting community attachment
JC Neely
University of Florida, 2011
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Articles 1–20