Cecilia Vindrola-Padros
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Cited by
Carrying out rapid qualitative research during a pandemic: emerging lessons from COVID-19
C Vindrola-Padros, G Chisnall, S Cooper, A Dowrick, N Djellouli, ...
Qualitative health research 30 (14), 2192-2204, 2020
Rapid techniques in qualitative research: a critical review of the literature
C Vindrola-Padros, GA Johnson
Qualitative health research 30 (10), 1596-1604, 2020
Perceptions and experiences of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK
C Vindrola-Padros, L Andrews, A Dowrick, N Djellouli, H Fillmore, ...
BMJ open 10 (11), e040503, 2020
Frontline healthcare workers’ experiences with personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a rapid qualitative appraisal
K Hoernke, N Djellouli, L Andrews, S Lewis-Jackson, L Manby, S Martin, ...
BMJ open 11 (1), e046199, 2021
Quick and dirty? A systematic review of the use of rapid ethnographies in healthcare organisation and delivery
C Vindrola-Padros, B Vindrola-Padros
BMJ Quality & Safety 27 (4), 321-330, 2018
Rapid qualitative research methods during complex health emergencies: A systematic review of the literature
GA Johnson, C Vindrola-Padros
Social Science & Medicine 189, 63-75, 2017
The role of embedded research in quality improvement: a narrative review
C Vindrola-Padros, T Pape, M Utley, NJ Fulop
BMJ quality & safety 26 (1), 70-80, 2017
Drawings, photos, and performances: Using visual methods with children
GA Johnson, AE Pfister, C Vindrola‐Padros
Visual Anthropology Review 28 (2), 164-178, 2012
Barriers to advance care planning with patients as perceived by nurses and other healthcare professionals: A systematic review
DH Blackwood, D Walker, MG Mythen, RM Taylor, C Vindrola‐Padros
Journal of clinical nursing 28 (23-24), 4276-4297, 2019
Remote management of covid-19 using home pulse oximetry and virtual ward support
T Greenhalgh, M Knight, M Inada-Kim, NJ Fulop, J Leach, ...
bmj 372, 2021
Mental health and well-being of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: contrasting guidelines with experiences in practice
NV San Juan, D Aceituno, N Djellouli, K Sumray, N Regenold, A Syversen, ...
BJPsych open 7 (1), e15, 2021
Remote home monitoring (virtual wards) for confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients: a rapid systematic review
C Vindrola-Padros, KE Singh, MS Sidhu, T Georghiou, ...
EClinicalMedicine 37, 2021
Training and redeployment of healthcare workers to intensive care units (ICUs) during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
NV San Juan, SE Clark, M Camilleri, JP Jeans, A Monkhouse, G Chisnall, ...
BMJ open 12 (1), e050038, 2022
Rapid ethnographies: A practical guide
C Vindrola-Padros
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Addressing the challenges of knowledge co-production in quality improvement: learning from the implementation of the researcher-in-residence model
C Vindrola-Padros, L Eyre, H Baxter, H Cramer, B George, L Wye, ...
BMJ quality & safety 28 (1), 67-73, 2019
Examining what we know in relation to how we know it: A team-based reflexivity model for rapid qualitative health research
F Rankl, GA Johnson, C Vindrola-Padros
Qualitative Health Research 31 (7), 1358-1370, 2021
Gender matters: A gender analysis of healthcare workers’ experiences during the first COVID-19 pandemic peak in England
N Regenold, C Vindrola-Padros
Social Sciences 10 (2), 43, 2021
The role of individual well-being in risk perception and evacuation for chronic vs. acute natural hazards in Mexico
GA Tobin, LM Whiteford, EC Jones, AD Murphy, SJ Garren, CV Padros
Applied Geography 31 (2), 700-711, 2011
The implementation of remote home monitoring models during the COVID-19 pandemic in England
C Vindrola-Padros, MS Sidhu, T Georghiou, C Sherlaw-Johnson, ...
EClinicalMedicine 34, 2021
Missing the human connection: A rapid appraisal of healthcare workers’ perceptions and experiences of providing palliative care during the COVID-19 pandemic
L Mitchinson, A Dowrick, C Buck, K Hoernke, S Martin, S Vanderslott, ...
Palliative medicine 35 (5), 852-861, 2021
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Articles 1–20