Satyajit Mojumder
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Cited by
Mechanical properties of stanene under uniaxial and biaxial loading: A molecular dynamics study
S Mojumder, AA Amin, MM Islam
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (12), 2015
Effect of solid volume fraction and tilt angle in a quarter circular solar thermal collectors filled with CNT–water nanofluid
MM Rahman, S Mojumder, S Saha, S Mekhilef, R Saidur
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 57, 79-90, 2014
Augmentation of natural convection heat transfer in triangular shape solar collector by utilizing water based nanofluids having a corrugated bottom wall
MM Rahman, S Mojumder, S Saha, S Mekhilef, R Saidur
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 50, 117-127, 2014
Numerical investigation of pure mixed convection in a ferrofluid-filled lid-driven cavity for different heater configurations
KM Rabbi, S Saha, S Mojumder, MM Rahman, R Saidur, TA Ibrahim
Alexandria Engineering Journal 55 (1), 127-139, 2016
Magnetic field effect on natural convection and entropy generation in a half-moon shaped cavity with semi-circular bottom heater having different ferrofluid inside
S Mojumder, KM Rabbi, S Saha, MN Hasan, SC Saha
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 407, 412-424, 2016
Graphene and its elemental analogue: A molecular dynamics view of fracture phenomenon
T Rakib, S Mojumder, S Das, S Saha, M Motalab
Physica B: Condensed Matter 515, 67-74, 2017
Effect of magnetic field on natural convection in a C-shaped cavity filled with ferrofluid
S Mojumder, S Saha, S Saha, MAH Mamun
Procedia Engineering 105, 96-104, 2015
Linking process parameters with lack-of-fusion porosity for laser powder bed fusion metal additive manufacturing
S Mojumder, Z Gan, Y Li, A Al Amin, WK Liu
Additive Manufacturing 68, 103500, 2023
Mechanical and vibrational characteristics of functionally graded Cu–Ni nanowire: A molecular dynamics study
M Islam, MSH Thakur, S Mojumder, A Al Amin, MM Islam
Composites Part B: Engineering 198, 108212, 2020
MAP123-EP: A mechanistic-based data-driven approach for numerical elastoplastic analysis
S Tang, Y Li, H Qiu, H Yang, S Saha, S Mojumder, WK Liu, X Guo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 364, 112955, 2020
Molecular dynamics study of plasticity in Al-Cu alloy nanopillar due to compressive loading
S Mojumder
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2017
Extraction of material properties through multi-fidelity deep learning from molecular dynamics simulation
M Islam, MSH Thakur, S Mojumder, MN Hasan
Computational Materials Science 188, 110187, 2021
Numerical study on mixed convection heat transfer in a porous L-shaped cavity
S Mojumder, S Saha, MR Rahman, MM Rahman, KM Rabbi, TA Ibrahim
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (1), 272-282, 2017
Numerical and statistical analysis on unsteady magnetohydrodynamic convection in a semi-circular enclosure filled with ferrofluid
MM Rahman, S Mojumder, S Saha, AH Joarder, R Saidur, AG Naim
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 1316-1330, 2015
Atomistic Representation of Anomalies in the Failure Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Silicene
T Rakib, S Saha, M Motalab, S Mojumder, MM Islam
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14629, 2017
Atomistic investigations on the mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms of indium phosphide nanowires
TH Pial, T Rakib, S Mojumder, M Motalab, MAS Akanda
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (13), 8647-8657, 2018
Mixed convection in an open T-shaped cavity utilizing the effect of different inflow conditions with Al2O3-water nanofluid flow
TH Ruvo, S Saha, S Mojumder, S Saha
Results in Engineering 17, 100862, 2023
Combined effect of Reynolds and Grashof numbers on mixed convection in a lid-driven T-shaped cavity filled with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
S Mojumder, S Sourav, S Sumon, MAH Mamun
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B 27 (5), 782-794, 2015
Convolution hierarchical deep-learning neural network tensor decomposition (C-HiDeNN-TD) for high-resolution topology optimization
H Li, S Knapik, Y Li, C Park, J Guo, S Mojumder, Y Lu, W Chen, DW Apley, ...
Computational Mechanics 72 (2), 363-382, 2023
Tuning the mechanical properties of silicene nanosheet by auxiliary cracks: a molecular dynamics study
SM Nahid, S Nahian, M Motalab, T Rakib, S Mojumder, MM Islam
RSC Advances 8 (53), 30354-30365, 2018
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Articles 1–20