Articles with public access mandates - Julien MatheronLearn more
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Precautionary saving and aggregate demand
E Challe, J Matheron, X Ragot, JF Rubio‐Ramirez
Quantitative Economics 8 (2), 435-478, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, European Commission, Government of Spain
Should the ECB adjust its strategy in the face of a lower r★?
P Andrade, J Galí, H Le Bihan, J Matheron
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 132, 104207, 2021
Mandates: Government of Spain
The Long-Run Effects of Fiscal Rebalancing in a Heterogeneous-Agent Model
C Cahn, P Fève, J Matheron
TSE Working Paper, 2024
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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