atefesadat Seyedolhosseini
atefesadat Seyedolhosseini
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Cited by
Daylight adaptive smart indoor lighting control method using artificial neural networks
A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi, M Modarressi, N Karimian
Journal of Building Engineering 29, 101141, 2020
Efficient photodetector placement for daylight-responsive smart indoor lighting control systems
A Seyedolhosseini, M Modarressi, N Masoumi, N Karimian
Journal of Building Engineering 42, 103013, 2021
Performance improvement of zigbee networks in coexistence of wi-fi signals
A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi, M Modarressi
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Communication …, 2017
Zone based control methodology of smart indoor lighting systems using feedforward neural networks
A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi, M Modarressi, N Karimian
2018 9th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), 201-206, 2018
Design and implementation of efficient smart lighting control system with learning capability for dynamic indoor applications
A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi, M Modarressi, N Karimian
2018 9th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), 241-246, 2018
Illumination control of smart indoor lighting systems consists of multiple zones
A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi, M Modarressi, N Karimian
2018 Smart Grid Conference (SGC), 1-4, 2018
Test Adapted Shielding by a Multipurpose Crosstalk Avoidance Scheme
M Akhsham, A Seyedolhosseini, Z Navabi
2019 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), 1-2, 2019
Eye diagram parameter extraction of nano scale VLSI interconnects
M Mehri, R Sarvari, A Seydolhosseini
2012 IEEE 21st Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging …, 2012
A rigorous analytical method for waveform extraction of fully coupled RLC nano-scale interconnects to PCB traces
A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi, M Mehri
2012 Second Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies (MMWaTT …, 2012
A waveform soft model extraction method to track wire behavior in nano scale technologies
A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi
2013 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-4, 2013
Statistical study of nano-scale VLSI interconnect crosstalk and its induced power estimation
M Mehri, R Sarvari, A Seyedolhosseini
2012 2nd IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan, 1-4, 2012
VLSI nano-scale interconnect induced crosstalk power estimation
A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi, M Mehri
2012 2nd IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan, 1-4, 2012
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A Seyedolhosseini, N Masoumi, M Modarressi
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Articles 1–13