Shavneet Sharma (PhD)
Cited by
Cited by
Modelling internet banking adoption in Fiji: A developing country perspective
R Sharma, G Singh, S Sharma
International journal of information management 53, 102116, 2020
The effect of supermarket service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and disloyalty dimensions
N Slack, G Singh, S Sharma
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 12 (3), 297-318, 2020
Digital health innovation: exploring adoption of COVID-19 digital contact tracing apps
S Sharma, G Singh, R Sharma, P Jones, S Kraus, YK Dwivedi
IEEE transactions on engineering management, 2020
Why do retail customers adopt artificial intelligence (AI) based autonomous decision-making systems?
S Sharma, N Islam, G Singh, A Dhir
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 71, 1846-1861, 2022
Impact of perceived value on the satisfaction of supermarket customers: developing country perspective
N Slack, G Singh, S Sharma
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 48 (11), 1235-1254, 2020
Capitalizing on big data and revolutionary 5G technology: Extracting and visualizing ratings and reviews of global chain hotels
L Gaur, A Afaq, A Solanki, G Singh, S Sharma, NZ Jhanjhi, HT My, DN Le
Computers and Electrical Engineering 95, 107374, 2021
Antecedents involved in developing fast-food restaurant customer loyalty
G Singh, N Slack, S Sharma, K Mudaliar, S Narayan, R Kaur, KU Sharma
The TQM Journal 33 (8), 1753-1769, 2021
Investigating environmental sustainability in small family-owned businesses: Integration of religiosity, ethical judgment, and theory of planned behavior
G Singh, S Sharma, R Sharma, YK Dwivedi
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 173, 121094, 2021
Exploring panic buying behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: a developing country perspective
G Singh, AS Aiyub, T Greig, S Naidu, A Sewak, S Sharma
International Journal of Emerging Markets 18 (7), 1587-1613, 2023
Exploring consumer behavior to purchase travel online in Fiji and Solomon Islands? An extension of the UTAUT framework
S Sharma, G Singh, S Pratt, J Narayan
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 15 (2 …, 2021
Disposition of youth in predicting sustainable development goals using the neuro-fuzzy and random forest algorithms
L Gaur, G Singh, A Solanki, NZ Jhanjhi, U Bhatia, S Sharma, S Verma, ...
Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences 11, NA, 2021
Modeling the multi-dimensional facets of perceived risk in purchasing travel online: a generational analysis
S Sharma, G Singh, S Pratt
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism 23 (2), 539-567, 2022
For it is in giving that we receive: Investigating gamers’ gifting behaviour in online games
S Sharma, G Singh, R Sharma
International Journal of Information Management 60, 102363, 2021
Servant leadership in the public sector: Employee perspective
NJ Slack, G Singh, J Narayan, S Sharma
Public Organization Review 20 (4), 631-646, 2020
Antecedents and consequences of fast-food restaurant customers' perception of price fairness
G Singh, NJ Slack, S Sharma, AS Aiyub, A Ferraris
British Food Journal 124 (8), 2591-2609, 2022
Does consumers’ intention to purchase travel online differ across generations?: Empirical evidence from Australia
S Sharma, G Singh, S Pratt
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 24, 2020
Use of social networking sites by SMEs to engage with their customers: A developing country perspective
S Sharma, G Singh, AS Aiyub
Journal of Internet Commerce 19 (1), 62-81, 2020
From virtual to actual destinations: do interactions with others, emotional solidarity, and destination image in online games influence willingness to travel?
S Sharma, D Stylidis, KM Woosnam
Current Issues in Tourism 26 (9), 1427-1445, 2023
Does psychological distance and religiosity influence fraudulent customer behaviour?
S Sharma, G Singh, L Gaur, R Sharma
International Journal of Consumer Studies 46 (4), 1468-1487, 2022
Competitors' envy, gamers' pride: An exploration of gamers' divergent behavior
R Sharma, G Singh, S Sharma
Psychology & Marketing 38 (6), 965-980, 2021
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Articles 1–20