Cited by
Cited by
A multi-scale tensor voting approach for small retinal vessel segmentation in high resolution fundus images
A Christodoulidis, T Hurtut, HB Tahar, F Cheriet
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 52, 28-43, 2016
Retinal blood vessel segmentation using the elite‐guided multi‐objective artificial bee colony algorithm
B Khomri, A Christodoulidis, L Djerou, MC Babahenini, F Cheriet
IET Image Processing 12 (12), 2163-2171, 2018
Particle swarm optimization method for small retinal vessels detection on multiresolution fundus images
B Khomri, A Christodoulidis, L Djerou, MC Babahenini, F Cheriet
Journal of biomedical optics 23 (5), 056004-056004, 2018
Near real-time human silhouette and movement detection in indoor environments using fixed cameras
A Christodoulidis, KK Delibasis, I Maglogiannis
PETRA '12 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on PErvasive …, 2012
Automatic classification and triage of diabetic retinopathy from retinal images based on a convolutional neural networks (CNN) method
A Galdran, H Chakor, AA Alrushood, R Kobbi, A Christodoulidis, J Chelbi, ...
Acta Ophthalmologica 97, 2019
Particle swarm optimization approach for the segmentation of retinal vessels from fundus images
B Khomri, A Christodoulidis, L Djerou, MC Babahenini, F Cheriet
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, 551-558, 2017
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy characterization based on the spatial organization of vascular junctions in fundus images
A Christodoulidis, T Hurtut, F Cheriet
2017 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017 …, 2017
Segmentation and Characterization of Small Retinal Vessels in Fundus Images Using the Tensor Voting Approach
A Christodoulidis
Polytechnique Montréal, Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering, 2017
An intelligent tool for anatomical object segmentation using deformable surfaces
KK Delibasis, A Christodoulidis, I Maglogiannis
Artificial Intelligence: Theories and Applications: 7th Hellenic Conference …, 2012
Confounder-aware foundation modeling for accurate phenotype profiling in cell imaging
G Papanastasiou, P Sanchez, A Christodoulidis, G Yang, WHL Pinaya
bioRxiv, 2024
CARA, Computer Assisted Retinal Analysis
A Christodoulidis
2nd industry showcase, IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical …, 2019
Tuberculosis: Learning from 3D CT to aid diagnosis from 2D X-rays
A Christodoulids
UCL Medical Image Computing, Dept. of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2011
Segmentation and Width Measurement of Vessels From Ophthalmological Data
A Christodoulidis
University of Thessaly, Dept. of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, 2009
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Articles 1–13