Ricardo Imbert
Cited by
Cited by
A survey of stemming algorithms in information retrieval.
C Moral, A de Antonio, R Imbert, J Ramírez
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 19 (1), n1, 2014
Comparative analysis of shape descriptors for 3D objects
G Lara Lopez, A Peña Pérez Negrón, A De Antonio Jimenez, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 6993-7040, 2017
Intelligent virtual environments for training: An agent-based approach
A de Antonio, J Ramírez, R Imbert, G Méndez
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV: 4th International Central and …, 2005
When emotion does not mean loss of control
R Imbert, A de Antonio
International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 152-165, 2005
An emotional architecture for virtual characters
R Imbert, A De Antonio
International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, 63-72, 2005
An approach to determine software requirement construction sequences based on use cases
JA Pow-Sang, A Nakasone, R Imbert, AM Moreno
2008 Advanced Software Engineering and Its Applications, 17-22, 2008
A multiagent extension for virtual reality based intelligent tutoring systems
R Imbert, L Sánchez, A de Antonio, G Méndez, J Ramírez
Seventh IEEE international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2007
A software architecture for intelligent virtual environments applied to education
A de Antonio, J Ramírez, R Imbert, G Méndez, RA Aguilar
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería-Universidad de Tarapacá 13 (1), 47-55, 2005
Searching Pancho's soul: An intelligent virtual agent for human teams
RA Aguilar, A de Antonio, R Imbert
Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA 2007), 568-571, 2007
Estimación y planificación de proyectos software con ciclo de vida iterativo-incremental y empleo de casos de uso
J Pow-Sang, R Imbert
Proceedings IDEAS, 2004
An agent-based architecture for the development of intelligent virtual training environments
A De Antonio, R Imbert, J Ramirez, G Mendez
Second International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education, m-ICTE, 2003
ChatGPT for learning HCI techniques: A case study on interviews for personas
J Barambones, C Moral, A de Antonio, R Imbert, L Martínez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2024
Effort estimation in incremental software development projects using function points
JA Pow-Sang, R Imbert
Computer Applications for Software Engineering, Disaster Recovery, and …, 2012
Toward Usability Testing of Motivational Affordances through Gamification
TB Durmaz, JL Fuertes, R Imbert
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-17, 2023
Una arquitectura cognitiva multinivel para agentes con comportamiento influido por características individuales y emociones, propias y de otros agentes.
R Imbert
Technical University of Madrid, Spain, 2005
The Bunny Dilemma: stepping between agents and avatars
R Imbert, A de Antonio, J Segovia
Proceedings of the 17th Twente Workshop on Language Technology. The Netherlands, 2000
Including the composition relationship among classes to improve Function Points Analysis
JA Pow-Sang, R Imbert
Proceeding VI Jornadas Peruanas de Computación-JPC 7, 2007
Playability testing of web-based sport games with older children and teenagers
X Ferre, A de Antonio, R Imbert, N Medinilla
Human-Computer Interaction. Interacting in Various Application Domains: 13th …, 2009
A fuzzy internal model for intelligent avatars
R Imbert, A De Antonio, J Segovia, MI Sánchez
I3 Spring Days 99, 1999
An agent-based adaptable and configurable tutoring module for intelligent virtual environments for training
L Sánchez, R Imbert
International conference on technologies for e-learning and digital …, 2007
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Articles 1–20