Duraisamy V.M.
Duraisamy V.M.
Professor of Farm Machinery and Power, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
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Cited by
Study of growth parameters and germination on tomato seedlings with different growth media
P Vivek, VM Duraisamy
Int. J. Agric. Sci. Res 7 (3), 461-470, 2017
Design, development and evaluation of tractor operated groundnut combine harvester
PK Padmanathan, K Kathirvel, R Manian, VM Duraisamy
Journal of Applied Sciences Research 12 (2), 1338-1341, 2006
Studies on Standardisation of Spacing and Trans-planting Depth for a Self Propelled Rice Transplanter
VM Duraisamy, T Senthilkumar, S Subbulakhsmi
AMA-Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America 42 (1), 42, 2011
Rotary weeder for mechanical interculturing in sugarcane
VM Duraisamy, A Tajuddin
Agro India 3 (1-2), 48, 1999
Developmentof an automatic transplating mechanism for portray vegetable seedlings.
RK Vivek, P., V.M.Duraisamy
Madras Agricultural Journal 104 (10-12), 2017
Design, development and evaluation of castor bean sheller
VMRM Duraisamy
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 21 (2), 41-45, 1990
Performance evaluation of different models of power weeders for pulse crop cultivation
T Senthilkumar, VM Duraisamy, D Asokan
Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America 45 (1), 15-19, 2014
Morbidity profile of elderly outpatients attending selected sub-district Siddha health facilities in Tamil Nadu, India
K Selvaraj, M Srinivasan, V Duraisamy, G Ramaswamy, V Venugopal, ...
Ancient Science of Life 35 (4), 212-216, 2016
Influence of Crop, Machine and Operational Parameters on Picking and Conveying Effciency of an Experimental Groundnut Combine
PK Padmanathan, K Kathirvel, VM Duraisamy, R Manian
Journal of Applied Sciences Research 3 (8), 700-705, 2007
Morbidity profile of adult outpatients attending traditional medicine health facilities in a district of South India
V Duraisamy, P Thekkur, MG Majella, M Srinivasan, GK Saya, ...
Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine 9 (4), 281-284, 2018
Investigation on the effect of soil, crop, machine and operational parameters in relation to mechanical harvesting of groundnut
VM Duraisamy
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University; Coimbatore, 1997
Development of a gripper for robotic picking and transplanting operation of protray grown vegetable seedlings
P Vivek, VM Duraisamy, R Kavitha
Innov. Farming 4 (2), 97-104, 2019
Standardising the farm machinery research prototypes for commercialiszation – Case study.
VM Duraisamy
Agricultural Mechanisation in Asia, Africa and Latin America 49 (2), 7-12, 2018
Morbidity profile of children attending Siddha hospitals in a district of Tamil Nadu, South India
MM Reddy, D Nair, V Duraisamy, K Selvaraj, P Chinnakali, GK Saya
Int J Contemp Pediatr 2, 168-71, 2015
Development and optimization of rotary blade for tillage equipment.
VMDBS Ganapathi. D
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 11 (4 …, 2018
Evaluation of power weeders for mechanized weeding in pulse crop cultivation
T Senthilkumar, VM Duraisamy, D Asokan
Madras Agricultural Journal 99 (apr-jun), 1, 2012
Groundnut decorticators for shelling castor,
VMRM Duraisamy
Agricultural Engineering Today 13 (1,2), 9-13, 1989
Effect of induced mechanical injury on aggregatum onion (co-5) during post-harvest handling
J Aswini Nivedida, S Ganapathy, ZJ Kennedy, CI Rani, VM Duraiswamy
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (3), 2307-2309, 2019
Tractor-drawn Direct Paddy Seeder
VM Duraisamy
Philippine Agricultural Mechanization 9 (1), 1990
Development of an electronically-operated automatic transplanting mechanism for Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI) system.
P Vivek, R Kavitha, VM Duraisamy
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Articles 1–20