Ahmet Raif Boğa
Ahmet Raif Boğa
Asistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Afyon Kocatepe University
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Influence of fly ash on corrosion resistance and chloride ion permeability of concrete
AR Boğa, IB Topçu
Construction and Building Materials 31, 258-264, 2012
Using ANN and ANFIS to predict the mechanical and chloride permeability properties of concrete containing GGBFS and CNI
AR Boğa, M Öztürk, IB Topcu
Composites Part B: Engineering 45 (1), 688-696, 2013
Alkali–silica reactions of mortars produced by using waste glass as fine aggregate and admixtures such as fly ash and Li2CO3
IB Topçu, AR Boğa, T Bilir
Waste Management 28 (5), 878-884, 2008
Effect of ground granulate blast-furnace slag on corrosion performance of steel embedded in concrete
İB Topçu, AR Boğa
Materials & Design 31 (7), 3358-3365, 2010
Modeling corrosion currents of reinforced concrete using ANN
İB Topçu, AR Boğa, FO Hocaoğlu
Automation in Construction 18 (2), 145-152, 2009
Estimation of the modulus of elasticity of slag concrete by using composite material models
IB Topçu, T Bilir, AR Boğa
Construction and Building Materials 24 (5), 741-748, 2010
Effect of boron waste on the properties of mortar and concrete
İB Topçu, AR Boğa
Waste management & research 28 (7), 626-633, 2010
The effect of waste marble and basalt aggregates on the fresh and hardened properties of high strength self-compacting concrete
AR Boğa, AF Şenol
Construction and Building Materials 363, 129715, 2023
Uçucu kül ve çelik liflerin beton ve beton borularda kullanımı
İB Topçu, AR Boğa
Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi …, 2005
The effect of elevated temperature on the properties of SCC’s produced with different types of fibers
AR Boğa, C Karakurt, AF Şenol
Construction and Building Materials 340, 127803, 2022
Investigation of reinforcement corrosion effects in RC columns produced with blast furnace slag and fly ash under reversed-cyclic lateral loading tests
M Koçer, AR Boğa, M Öztürk
Engineering Structures 245, 112866, 2021
The effect of elevated temperatures on corroded and uncorroded reinforcement embedded in mortar
İB Topçu, AR Boğa, A Demir
Construction and Building Materials 24 (11), 2101-2107, 2010
Uçucu küllü betonarme elemanlarda donatı korozyonunun hızlandırılmış yöntemlerle araştırılması
AR Boğa
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005
Influence of cover thickness on the mechanical properties of steel bar in mortar exposed to high temperatures
IB Topcu, AR Boğa, A Demir
Fire and Materials 35 (2), 93-103, 2011
„‟ Akışkanlaştırıcı ve Süperakışkanlaştırıcı Katkı Kullanımının Taze Beton Özeliklerine Etkisi‟‟
İB Topçu, A Demir, AR Boğa
Türkiye Mühendislik Haberleri 434 (6), 2004
Effect of fly-ash amount and cement type on the corrosion performance of the steel embedded in concrete
Materiali in tehnologije 46 (5), 511-518, 2012
Eskişehir’deki Hazır Beton Firmalarının Beton Kalitelerinin İstatistiksel Değerlendirilmesi
İB Topçu, AR Boğa
Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi …, 2005
Effects of different aggregate and conductive components on the electrically conductive asphalt concrete's properties
C Gürer, C Düşmez, AR Boğa
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 24 (1), 2068547, 2023
Yüksek fırın cürufu ve korozyon inhibitörü kullanımının beton içerisindeki donatı korozyonuna ve beton özeliklerine etkileri
AR Boğa
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Betonarmede donatı ve beton arasındaki aderansa korozyonun etkisi
İB Topçu, AR Boğa
Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi …, 2008
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Articles 1–20