Antonio Cerone
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Cited by
Time-based expressivity of time Petri nets for system specification
A Cerone, A Maggiolo-Schettini
Theoretical Computer Science 216 (1-2), 1-53, 1999
Mathematical modeling of drug resistance due to KRAS mutation in colorectal cancer
S Sameen, R Barbuti, P Milazzo, A Cerone, M Del Re, R Danesi
Journal of theoretical biology 389, 263-273, 2016
Formal analysis of human-computer interaction using model-checking
A Cerone, PA Lindsay, S Connelly
Third IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2005
Formal methods for software engineering
M Roggenbach, A Cerone, BH Schlingloff, G Schneider, SA Shaikh
Springer, Switzerland, 2021
Verifying BPEL workflows under authorisation constraints
Z Xiangpeng, A Cerone, P Krishnan
Business Process Management: 4th International Conference, BPM 2006, Vienna …, 2006
Enhancing ontology-based antipattern detection using Bayesian networks
D Settas, A Cerone, S Fenz
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10), 9041-9053, 2012
Using free/libre open source software projects as e-learning tools
A Cerone, S Sowe
Electronic Communications of the EASST 33, 2010
A cognitive framework based on rewriting logic for the analysis of interactive systems
A Cerone
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 14th International Conference, SEFM …, 2016
A methodology for the formal analysis of asynchronous micropipelines
A Cerone, GJ Milne
International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 283-299, 2000
Modelling the dynamics of an aedes albopictus population
TA Basuki, A Cerone, R Barbuti, A Maggiolo-Schettini, P Milazzo, E Rossi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1008.3301, 2010
Learning and activity patterns in OSS communities and their impact on software quality
A Cerone
Electronic Communications of the EASST 48, 2012
Towards a metric for open source software quality
S Shaikh, A Cerone
Electronic Communications of the EASST 20, 2009
Rooting formal methods within higher education curricula for computer science and software engineering—a white paper—
A Cerone, M Roggenbach, J Davenport, C Denner, M Farrell, ...
Formal Methods–Fun for Everybody: First International Workshop, FMFun 2019 …, 2021
Model-checking user behaviour using interacting components
TA Basuki, A Cerone, A Griesmayer, R Schlatte
Formal aspects of computing 21, 571-588, 2009
Axiomatisation of an interval calculus for theorem proving
A Cerone
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 42, 67-88, 2001
Towards a cognitive architecture for the formal analysis of human behaviour and learning
A Cerone
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations: STAF 2018 Collocated …, 2018
Model-checking driven design of interactive systems
A Cerone, N Elbegbayan
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 183, 3-20, 2007
Modelling a time-dependent protocol using the Circal process algebra
A Cerone, AJ Cowie, GJ Milne, PA Moseley
Hybrid and Real-Time Systems: International Workshop, HART'97 Grenoble …, 1997
Behaviour and reasoning description language (BRDL)
A Cerone
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 137-153, 2019
Integrating the verification of timing, performance and correctness properties of concurrent systems
A Cerone, DA Kearney, GJ Milne
Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Application of Concurrency to …, 1998
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Articles 1–20