Pauline Quémart
Pauline Quémart
Nantes Université
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Cited by
The role of form and meaning in the processing of written morphology: A priming study in French developing readers
P Quémart, S Casalis, P Colé
Journal of experimental child psychology 109 (4), 478-496, 2011
How language affects children's use of derivational morphology in visual word and pseudoword processing: Evidence from a cross-language study
S Casalis, P Quémart, LG Duncan
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 452, 2015
The sentence repetition task: A powerful diagnostic tool for French children with specific language impairment
AL Leclercq, P Quémart, D Magis, C Maillart
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (12), 3423-3430, 2014
Visual processing of derivational morphology in children with developmental dyslexia: Insights from masked priming
P Quémart, S Casalis
Applied Psycholinguistics 36 (2), 345-376, 2015
Exploring the role of bases and suffixes when reading familiar and unfamiliar words: Evidence from French young readers
P Quémart, S Casalis, LG Duncan
Scientific Studies of Reading 16 (5), 424-442, 2012
Lexical spelling in children and adolescents with specific language impairment: Variations with the writing situation
L Broc, J Bernicot, T Olive, M Favart, J Reilly, P Quemart, J Uze
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (10), 3253-3266, 2013
Morphology and spelling in French students with dyslexia: the case of silent final letters
P Quémart, S Casalis
Annals of dyslexia 67, 85-98, 2017
Rhythm in the blood: The influence of rhythm skills on literacy development in third graders
M Lê, P Quémart, A Potocki, M Gimenes, D Chesnet, E Lambert
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 198, 104880, 2020
The development of morphological representations in young readers: a cross‐modal priming study
P Quémart, LM Gonnerman, J Downing, SH Deacon
Developmental science 21 (4), e12607, 2018
Modeling the influence of motor skills on literacy in third grade: Contributions of executive functions and handwriting
M Lê, P Quémart, A Potocki, M Gimenes, D Chesnet, E Lambert
Plos one 16 (11), e0259016, 2021
The influence of the morphological structure of words on the dynamics of handwriting in adults and fourth and sixth grade children
P Quémart, E Lambert
Reading and Writing 32, 175-195, 2019
The management of cohesion in written narratives in students with specific language impairment: Differences between childhood and adolescence
M Favart, A Potocki, L Broc, P Quemart, J Bernicot, T Olive
Research in developmental disabilities 59, 318-327, 2016
Effects of phonological and orthographic shifts on children’s processing of written morphology: A time-course study
P Quémart, S Casalis
Scientific Studies of Reading 18 (5), 363-382, 2014
La répétition de phrases comme aide au diagnostic des enfants dysphasiques.
C Maillart, AL Leclercq, P Quemart
Les entretiens d’orthophonie 2012, 2012
Évaluation de l’orthographe des élèves dysphasiques en situation de narration communicative: variations selon le type d’orthographe, lexicale versus morphologique
L Broc, J Bernicot, T Olive, M Favart, J Reilly, P Quémart, N Catheline, ...
European review of applied psychology 64 (6), 307-321, 2014
Introduction to the special issue on the dynamics of written word production: methods, models and processing units
E Lambert, P Quémart
Reading and Writing 32, 1-12, 2019
The sensitivity of children with SLI to phonotactic probabilities during lexical access
P Quémart, C Maillart
Journal of Communication Disorders 61, 48-59, 2016
Do good and poor readers make use of morphemic structure in English word recognition?
LG Duncan, E Gray, P Quémart, S Casalis
Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 10 (1), 143-160, 2010
Les troubles phonologiques dans les troubles du langage oral.
P Quémart, A MacLeod, C Maillart
Rééducation orthophonique 263, 2015
What’s morphology got to do with it: Oral reading fluency in adolescents with dyslexia.
E Lefèvre, JM Law, P Quémart, R Anders, E Cavalli
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 49 (8), 1345, 2023
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Articles 1–20