Vladlen S. Skvortsov
Vladlen S. Skvortsov
Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
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Cited by
QSAR analysis of indole analogues as monoamine oxidase inhibitors
AE Medvedev, AS Ivanov, AV Veselovsky, VS Skvortsov, AI Archakov
Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 36 (4), 664-671, 1996
Bioinformatics platform development: from gene to lead compound
AS Ivanov, AV Veselovsky, AV Dubanov, VS Skvortsov
Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery, 389-431, 2006
3D hydrogen bond thermodynamics (HYBOT) potentials in molecular modelling
OA Raevsky, VS Skvortsov
Journal of computer-aided molecular design 16, 1-10, 2002
Моделирование трехмерной структуры цитохрома р450 1a2 и поиск его новых лигандов
НВ Белкина, ВС Скворцов, АС Иванов, АИ Арчаков
Вопросы медицинской химии 44 (5), 464-473, 1998
Quantifying hydrogen bonding in QSAR and molecular modeling
OA Raevsky, VS Skvortsov
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 16 (3), 287-300, 2005
Modeling of substrate-binding region of the active site of monoamine oxidase A
AV Veselovsky, AE Medvedev, OV Tikhonova, VS Skvortsov, AS Ivanov
BIOCHEMISTRY C/C OF BIOKHIMIIA 65 (8), 910-916, 2000
pIPredict: A computer tool for prediction of isoelectric points of peptides and proteins
VS Skvortsov, NN Alekseytchuk, DV Khudyakov, IVR Reyes
Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry 9 (3), 296-303, 2015
Prediction of progesterone receptor inhibition by high-performance neural network algorithm
IV Romero Reyes, IV Fedyushkina, VS Skvortsov, DA Filimonov
Int. J. Math. Model. Meth. Appl. Sci 7 (3), 303-310, 2013
Компьютерное моделирование трехмерной структуры полноразмерного цитохрома В5
АС Иванов, ВС Скворцов, АИ Арчаков
Вопросы медицинской химии 46 (6), 615-625, 2000
The Integrated Platform “From Gene to Drug Prototype” in Silico and in Vitro
AS Ivanov, AV Veselovskii, AV Dubanov, VS Skvortsov
Ross. Khim. Zh 50 (2), 18, 2006
Исследование взаимодействия цитохромов b5 с p450сам с помощью метода оптического биосенсора и компьютерного моделирования
НИ Раченкова, ЮД Иванов, ВС Скворцов, АС Иванов, АА Мольнар, ...
Биомедицинская химия 51 (5), 501-512, 2005
Computational Evaluation of Selectivity of Inhibition of Muscarinic Receptors M1-M4
AV Mikurova, VS Skvortsov, OA Raevsky
Biomedical Chemistry: Research and Methods 1 (3), e00072, 2018
Creation of a generalized model prediction of inhibition of neuraminidase of influenza virus of various strains
AV Mikurova, VS Skvortsov
Biomeditsinskaya khimiya 64 (3), 247-252, 2018
Molecular docking and 3D-QSAR of 16α, 17α-cycloalkanoprogesterone derivatives as ligands of the progesterone receptor
IV Fedyushkina, VS Skvortsov, IV Romero Reyes, IS Levina
Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry 8 (2), 168-176, 2014
An approach for visualization of the active site of enzymes with unknown three-dimensional structures
AV Veselovsky, OV Tikhonova, VS Skvortsov, AE Medvedev, AS Ivanov
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 12 (4), 345-358, 2001
Education program for macromolecules structure examination
AS Ivanov, AB Rumjantsev, VS Skvortsov, AI Archakov
Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 36 (4), 660-663, 1996
Компьютерная модель трехмерной структуры цитохрома P450 2b4
АА Сеченых, АВ Дубанов, ВС Скворцов, АС Иванов, АИ Арчаков, ...
Вопросы медицинской химии 48 (5), 526-540, 2002
Cytotoxic activity and molecular modeling of progestins-pregna-D'-pentarans
AM Scherbakov, IS Levina, LE Kulikova, IV Fedyushkina, VS Skvortsov, ...
Biomeditsinskaya khimiya 62 (3), 290-294, 2016
Potential inhibitors of protease 3CLpro virus COVID-19: drug reposition
VS Skvortsov, DS Druzhilovskiy, AV Veselovsky
Biomedical Chemistry: Research and Methods 3 (1), e00124, 2020
Компьютерное конструирование лекарств на основе анализа структуры макромолекулы-мишени: I. поиск и описание места связывания лиганда в белке-мишени
АВ Дубанов, АС Иванов, АИ Арчаков, ВС Скворцов
Вопросы медицинской химии 48 (3), 304-315, 2002
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Articles 1–20