Nicolas Luco
Nicolas Luco
Supervisory Research Civil Engineer, U.S. Geological Survey
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Structure-specific scalar intensity measures for near-source and ordinary earthquake ground motions
N Luco, CA Cornell
Earthquake Spectra 23 (2), 357-392, 2007
Documentation for the 2008 update of the United States national seismic hazard maps
MD Petersen, AD Frankel, SC Harmsen, CS Mueller, KM Haller, ...
Open-file report, 2008
Probabilistic seismic demand analysis using advanced ground motion intensity measures
P Tothong, N Luco
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 36 (13), 1837-1860, 2007
Does amplitude scaling of ground motion records result in biased nonlinear structural drift responses?
N Luco, P Bazzurro
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 36 (13), 1813-1835, 2007
Risk-targeted versus current seismic design maps for the conterminous United States
N Luco, BR Ellingwood, RO Hamburger, JD Hooper, JK Kimball, ...
Pacific earthquake engineering research center
JW Baker, CA Cornell
University of California, Berkeley, 2006
Aftershock collapse vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete frame structures
M Raghunandan, AB Liel, N Luco
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 44 (3), 419-439, 2015
Conditional spectrum computation incorporating multiple causal earthquakes and ground‐motion prediction models
T Lin, SC Harmsen, JW Baker, N Luco
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 103 (2A), 1103-1116, 2013
The 2018 update of the US National Seismic Hazard Model: Overview of model and implications
MD Petersen, AM Shumway, PM Powers, CS Mueller, MP Moschetti, ...
Earthquake Spectra 36 (1), 5-41, 2020
Probabilistic seismic demand analysis, SMRF connection fractures, and near-source effects
N Luco
Stanford University, 2002
Evaluation of ground motion selection and modification methods: Predicting median interstory drift response of buildings
CB Haselton, JW Baker, Y Bozorgnia, CA Goulet, E Kalkan, N Luco, ...
PEER report 1, 1-288, 2009
Dynamic versus static computation of the residual capacity of a mainshock-damaged building to withstand an aftershock
N Luco, P Bazzurro, CA Cornell
13th World conference on earthquake engineering 2405, 2004
Effects of connection fractures on SMRF seismic drift demands
N Luco, CA Cornell
Journal of Structural Engineering 126 (1), 127-136, 2000
The 2014 United States national seismic hazard model
MD Petersen, MP Moschetti, PM Powers, CS Mueller, KM Haller, ...
Earthquake Spectra 31 (1_suppl), S1-S30, 2015
Effects of random connection fractures on the demands and reliability for a 3-story pre-Northridge SMRF structure
N Luco, CA Cornell
Proceedings of the 6th US national conference on earthquake engineering 244 …, 1998
Maximum spectral demands in the near-fault region
YN Huang, AS Whittaker, N Luco
Earthquake Spectra 24 (1), 319-341, 2008
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis at regional and national scales: State of the art and future challenges
MC Gerstenberger, W Marzocchi, T Allen, M Pagani, J Adams, L Danciu, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 58 (2), e2019RG000653, 2020
Loading histories for seismic performance testing of SMRF components and assemblies
H Krawinkler, A Gupta, R Medina, N Luco
SAC Joint Venture, Report no. SAC/BD-00/10. Richmond, CA, 2000
Performance assessment of conventional and base-isolated nuclear power plants for earthquake and blast loadings
YN Huang
State University of New York at Buffalo, 2008
Spatial and spectral interpolation of ground‐motion intensity measure observations
CB Worden, EM Thompson, JW Baker, BA Bradley, N Luco, DJ Wald
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (2), 866-875, 2018
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Articles 1–20