Georgios L. Stavrinides
Georgios L. Stavrinides
KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus
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Cited by
An energy-efficient, QoS-aware and cost-effective scheduling approach for real-time workflow applications in cloud computing systems utilizing DVFS and approximate computations
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Future Generation Computer Systems 96, 216-226, 2019
A hybrid approach to scheduling real-time IoT workflows in fog and cloud environments
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 24639-24655, 2019
Scheduling multiple task graphs in heterogeneous distributed real-time systems by exploiting schedule holes with bin packing techniques
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 (1), 540-552, 2011
Scheduling multiple task graphs with end-to-end deadlines in distributed real-time systems utilizing imprecise computations
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (6), 1004-1014, 2010
Scheduling real-time DAGs in heterogeneous clusters by combining imprecise computations and bin packing techniques for the exploitation of schedule holes
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (7), 977–988, 2012
A cost-effective and qos-aware approach to scheduling real-time workflow applications in paas and saas clouds
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
2015 3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud …, 2015
Exascale Machines Require New Programming Paradigms and Runtimes
G Da Costa, T Fahringer, JA Rico-Gallego, I Grasso, A Hristov, ...
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations 2 (2), 6-27, 2015
Fault-tolerant gang scheduling in distributed real-time systems utilizing imprecise computations
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Simulation 85 (8), 525-536, 2009
Different aspects of workflow scheduling in large-scale distributed systems
GL Stavrinides, FR Duro, HD Karatza, JG Blas, J Carretero
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 70, 120-134, 2017
Energy-aware scheduling of real-time workflow applications in clouds utilizing DVFS and approximate computations
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
2018 IEEE 6th international conference on future internet of things and …, 2018
Scheduling real-time parallel applications in SaaS clouds in the presence of transient software failures
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
2016 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and …, 2016
Dynamic scheduling of bags-of-tasks with sensitive input data and end-to-end deadlines in a hybrid cloud
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80, 16781-16803, 2021
Scheduling data-intensive workloads in large-scale distributed systems: trends and challenges
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Modeling and simulation in HPC and cloud systems, 19-43, 2018
Scheduling real‐time bag‐of‐tasks applications with approximate computations in SaaS clouds
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2017
Performance evaluation of gang scheduling in distributed real-time systems with possible software faults
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
2008 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and …, 2008
Orchestrating real-time IoT workflows in a fog computing environment utilizing partial computations with end-to-end error propagation
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Cluster Computing 24 (4), 3629-3650, 2021
Scheduling different types of applications in a SaaS cloud
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
The impact of workload variability on the energy efficiency of large-scale heterogeneous distributed systems
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 89, 135-143, 2018
The impact of data locality on the performance of a SaaS cloud with real-time data-intensive applications
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
2017 IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and …, 2017
Simulation-based performance evaluation of an energy-aware heuristic for the scheduling of HPC applications in large-scale distributed systems
GL Stavrinides, HD Karatza
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance …, 2017
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Articles 1–20