Sileshi Ayhualem
Sileshi Ayhualem
PhD candidate, Queen's University
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Burden of neck pain and associated factors among smart phone user students in University of Gondar, Ethiopia
S Ayhualem, A Alamer, SD Dabi, KG Bogale, AB Abebe, MB Chala
Plos one 16 (9), e0256794, 2021
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy on pain and foot functions in subjects with chronic plantar fasciitis: systematic review of randomized controlled trials
H Melese, A Alamer, K Getie, F Nigussie, S Ayhualem
Disability and rehabilitation 44 (18), 5007-5014, 2022
Musculoskeletal disorders and associated factors among patients with chronic kidney disease attending at Saint Paul Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
S Deme, B Fisseha, G Kahsay, H Melese, A Alamer, S Ayhualem
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease, 291-300, 2021
Occupational lower back pain and associated factors among taxi drivers in Mekelle city, north Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
MM Yitayal, S Ayhualem, B Fiseha, G Kahasay, M Gashaw, H Gebre
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 28 (4), 2046-2051, 2022
Prediction of number of casts and need of tenotomy using Pirani score in the management of clubfoot
S Ayehualem, Y Asmare, M Abrha, A Muche
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 30 (5), e477-e481, 2019
Effect of ankle joint mobilization with movement on range of motion, balance and gait function in chronic stroke survivors: systematic review of randomized controlled trials
A Alamer, H Melese, K Getie, S Deme, M Tsega, S Ayhualem, G Birhanie, ...
Degenerative neurological and neuromuscular disease, 51-60, 2021
Effectiveness of respiratory muscle training on respiratory muscle strength, pulmonary function, and respiratory complications in stroke survivors: a systematic review of …
S Deme, D Lamba, A Alamer, H Melese, S Ayhualem, D Imeru, T Abebe
Degenerative Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease, 75-84, 2022
Musculoskelet al Disorders and Associated Factors Among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Attending at Saint Paul Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
B Fisseha, G Kahsay, H Melese, A Alamer, S Ayhualem
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 14, 291-301, 2021
Dental professionals knowledge, attitude, and practice towards to COVID-19: systematic review and meta-analysis
AT Tefera, K Asefaw, B Bekele, A Ayelign, H Aragie, S Ayhualem, Y Akalu, ...
Radiographic Assessment of Cardiothoracic Ratio in Apparently Healthy Adults in Bahir Dar, Northwest Ethiopia
A Guangul, B Tenaw, S Ayehualem, A Muche
Ethiopian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences 12 (2), 2022
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Articles 1–10