Dr. Lianwen Wang
Dr. Lianwen Wang
Associate Professor, School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, P.R.China
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Precise measurement of the densities of liquid Bi, Sn, Pb and Sb
L Wang, Q Wang, A Xian, K Lu
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (6), 777, 2003
Density measurement of Sn-40Pb, Sn-57Bi, and Sn-9Zn by indirect Archimedean method
L Wang, AP Xian
Journal of electronic materials 34 (11), 1414-1419, 2005
Vacancy-decomposition-induced lattice instability and its correlation with the kinetic stability limit of crystals
LW Wang*, L Zhang, K Lu
Philosophical magazine letters 85 (5), 213-219, 2005
Temperature effect of the local structure in liquid Sb studied with x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Q Wang, CX Li, ZH Wu, LW Wang, XJ Niu, WS Yan, YN Xie, SQ Wei, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (22), 224501, 2008
Density measurement of liquid metals using dilatometer
LW Wang, QS Mei
J Mater Sci Technol 22 (4), 569-571, 2006
Melting of superheated crystals initiated on vacancies
LW Wang, Q Wang, KQ Lu
Philosophical magazine letters 87 (1), 19-24, 2007
A kinetic model for liquids: Relaxation in liquids, origin of the Vogel–Tammann–Fulcher equation, and the essence of fragility
LW Wang, HJ Fecht
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (11), 113538, 2008
Layering in water adsorption and desorption on porous Vycor observed by dielectric measurements
LW Wang, Q Wang, CX Li, XJ Niu, G Sun, KQ Lu
Physical Review B 76 (15), 155437, 2007
Melting of iron nanoparticles embedded in silica prepared by mechanical milling
P Ding, J Ma, H Cao, Y Liu, L Wang, J Li
Materials Science and Engineering: B 178 (14), 930-936, 2013
Fitting the structural relaxation time of glass-forming liquids: single-or multi-branch approach?
L Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.0315, 2010
Extracting energy and structure properties of glass-forming liquids from structural relaxation time
L Wang
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (15), 155103, 2012
Density measurement of liquid indium and zinc by the γ-ray attenuation method
L Wang, A Xian, H Shao
High Temperatures. High Pressures 35 (6), 659-665, 2003
Vacancy formation and squashing during surface melting and the size effect on surface-induced melting of metals
L Wang
Philosophical Magazine 93 (27), 3648-3663, 2013
Single-exponential activation behavior behind the super-Arrhenius relaxations in glass-forming liquids
L Wang, J Li, HJ Fecht
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (45), 455104, 2010
Density of liquid GaSb measured by an improved Archimedean method
LW Wang, Q Wang, KQ Lu
Journal of crystal growth 293 (1), 14-17, 2006
Mechanochemical synthesis for studying the melting of metallic nanoparticles: a case study of copper
P Ding, H Hou, S Pu, H Cao, L Wang, J Li
Philosophical Magazine Letters 95 (1), 14-20, 2015
Estimating the Energy State of Liquids
L Wang
Metals 4 (4), 570-585, 2014
Size-dependent melting of ice in mesoporous silica
Y Lu, Y Liu, Y Xu, L Wang, J Li
Philosophical Magazine 93 (15), 1827-1842, 2013
Correlating the stretched-exponential and super-Arrhenius behaviors in the structural relaxation of glass-forming liquids
L Wang, J Li, HJ Fecht
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (15), 155102, 2011
Thermodynamic cooperativity in glass-forming liquids: Indications and consequences
L Wang
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 383, 59-65, 2014
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