Vikas Arya
Vikas Arya
EMLV Business School - Paris, France
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Panic buying in the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country examination
T Islam, AH Pitafi, V Arya, Y Wang, N Akhtar, S Mubarik, L Xiaobei
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 59, 102357, 2021
Does SMS advertising still have relevance to increase consumer purchase intention? A hybrid PLS-SEM-neural network modelling approach
A Sharma, YK Dwivedi, V Arya, MQ Siddiqui
Computers in Human Behavior 124, 106919, 2021
Does digital footprint act as a digital asset?–Enhancing brand experience through remarketing
V Arya, D Sethi, J Paul
International Journal of Information Management 49, 142-156, 2019
Like it or not! Brand communication on social networking sites triggers consumer‐based brand equity
V Arya, J Paul, D Sethi
International Journal of Consumer Studies 46 (4), 1381-1398, 2022
Brands are calling your AVATAR in Metaverse–A study to explore XR‐based gamification marketing activities & consumer‐based brand equity in virtual world
V Arya, R Sambyal, A Sharma, YK Dwivedi
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2024
Are emojis fascinating brand value more than textual language? Mediating role of brand communication to SNS and brand attachment: An insight from India
V Arya, D Sethi, H Verma
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 23 (4), 648-670, 2018
Brand authenticity and brand attachment: How online communities built on social networking vehicles moderate the consumers’ brand attachment
V Arya, H Verma, D Sethi, R Agarwal
IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 8 (2), 87-103, 2019
Green human resource management and environmental performance: mediating role of green innovation–a study from an emerging country
G Rana, V Arya
foresight 26 (1), 35-58, 2024
Let’s connect in metaverse. Brand’s new destination to increase consumers’ affective brand engagement & their satisfaction and advocacy
Y Bousba, V Arya
Journal of Content, Community & Communication 15 (8), 276-293, 2022
Quality dimensions of augmented reality-based mobile apps for smart-tourism and its impact on customer satisfaction & reuse intention
K Anand, V Arya, S Suresh, A Sharma
Tourism Planning & Development 20 (2), 236-259, 2023
Embracing the employee orientation: does customer relationship matter in brand building?
D Jhamb, N Kampani, V Arya
Benchmarking: An International Journal 29 (2), 411-433, 2022
Ties that bind tourists: embedding destination motivators to destination attachment: a study in the context of Kumbh Fair, India
V Arya, S Sharma, D Sethi, H Verma, A Shiva
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 23 (12), 1160-1172, 2018
Exploring the role of augmented reality as a new brand advocate
H Kumar, N Tuli, RK Singh, V Arya, R Srivastava
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2024
Effect of technostress on academic productivity: E-engagement through persuasive communication
D Sethi, V Pereira, V Arya
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 30 (5), 1-19, 2021
Social media and sustainable behavior: A decision making framework using interpretive structural modeling (ISM)
VK Jain, V Arya, P Sharma
Journal of Content Community & Communication 14 (7), 68-80, 2021
Analysis of drivers for anti-food waste behaviour-TISM and MICMAC approach
A Poonia, S Sindhu, V Arya, A Panghal
Journal of Indian Business Research 14 (2), 186-212, 2022
Home-based entrepreneuring for empowerment and sustainability of Muslim women: a study in the Indian context
S Habeeb, V Arya, N Ahmad
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 17 (4), 334-347, 2021
Does startup culture in the emerging country grow around societal sustainability? An empirical study through the lens of co-creational capital and green intellect
R Verma, V Arya, A Thomas, E Bolognesi, J Mueller
Journal of Intellectual Capital 24 (4), 1047-1074, 2023
The impact of leader-member exchange, perceived organizational support, and readiness for change on job crafting behaviours in HRM in an emerging market
D Sethi, V Pereira, T Chakraborty, V Arya
The InTernaTIonal Journal of human resource managemenT 34 (22), 4261-4290, 2023
Innovation and employee turnover in biotechnology companies: rethinking the role of strategic human resource management
S Sharma, K Singh, V Arya
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 17 …, 2021
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Articles 1–20