Pak Lok Poon
Pak Lok Poon
Associate Professor (ICT), School of Engineering & Technology, Central Queensland University
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Cited by
Metamorphic testing: a review of challenges and opportunities
TY Chen, FC Kuo, H Liu, PL Poon, D Towey, TH Tse, ZQ Zhou
ACM Computing Surveys, 2018
A choice relation framework for supporting category-partition test case generation
TY Chen, PL Poon, TH Tse
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 29 (7), 577-593, 2003
METRIC: METamorphic Relation Identification based on the Category-choice framework
TY Chen, PL Poon, X Xie
Journal of Systems and Software 116, 177-190, 2016
Internet financial reporting
PL Poon, D Li, YT Yu
Information Systems Control Journal, 2003
METTLE: a METamorphic Testing approach to assessing and validating unsupervised machine LEarning systems
X Xie, Z Zhang, TY Chen, Y Liu, PL Poon, B Xu
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 69 (4), 1293-1322, 2020
Experience with teaching black-box testing in a computer science/software engineering curriculum
TY Chen, PL Poon
IEEE Transactions on Education 47 (1), 42-50, 2004
Investigating ERP systems procurement practice: Hong Kong and Australian experiences
PL Poon, YT Yu
Information and Software Technology 52 (10), 1011-1022, 2010
An integrated classification-tree methodology for test case generation
TY Chen, PL Poon, TH Tse
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 10 …, 2000
METRIC+: a metamorphic relation identification technique based on input plus output domains
CA Sun, A Fu, PL Poon, X Xie, H Liu, TY Chen
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (9), 1764-1785, 2021
On the identification of categories and choices for specification-based test case generation
TY Chen, PL Poon, SF Tang, TH Tse
Information and software technology 46 (13), 887-898, 2004
Contributions of tester experience and a checklist guideline to the identification of categories and choices for software testing
PL Poon, TH Tse, SF Tang, FC Kuo
Software Quality Journal 19 (1), 141-163, 2011
Construction of classification trees via the classification-hierarchy table
TY Chen, PL Poon
Information and Software Technology 39 (13), 889-896, 1997
Theoretical and empirical analyses of the effectiveness of metamorphic relation composition
K Qiu, Z Zheng, TY Chen, PL Poon
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 48 (3), 1001-1017, 2022
The PRESENT B2C implementation framework
PL Poon, AHL Lau
Communications of the ACM 49 (2), 96-103, 2006
The PRESENT B2C implementation framework
PL Poon, AHL Lau
IT Management Select 12 (2), 16-25, 2006
Procurement of enterprise resource planning systems: experiences with some Hong Kong companies
PL Poon, YT Yu
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Software engineering …, 2006
Towards a problem-driven approach to perspective-based reading
TY Chen, PL Poon, SF Tang, TH Tse, YT Yu
High Assurance Systems Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. 7th IEEE …, 2002
An automatic test data generation system based on the integrated classification-tree methodology
A Cain, TY Chen, D Grant, PL Poon, SF Tang, TH Tse
International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Applications …, 2003
Classification-hierarchy table: a methodology for constructing the classification tree
TY Chen, PL Poon
Australian Software Engineering Conference, 1996., Proceedings of 1996, 93-104, 1996
Identification of categories and choices in activity diagrams
TY Chen, PL Poon, SF Tang, TH Tse
Quality Software, 2005, (QSIC 2005), Fifth International Conference on, 55-63, 2005
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Articles 1–20