Johannes Hendriks
Cited by
Cited by
Probabilistic modelling and reconstruction of strain
C Jidling, J Hendriks, N Wahlström, A Gregg, TB Schön, C Wensrich, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2018
Linearly constrained neural networks
J Hendriks, C Jidling, A Wills, T Schön
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.01600, 2020
Bragg-edge neutron transmission strain tomography for in situ loadings
CM Wensrich, JN Hendriks, A Gregg, MH Meylan, V Luzin, AS Tremsin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2016
Bragg-edge elastic strain tomography for in situ systems from energy-resolved neutron transmission imaging
JN Hendriks, AWT Gregg, CM Wensrich, AS Tremsin, T Shinohara, ...
Physical Review Materials 1 (5), 053802, 2017
Bragg edge neutron transmission strain tomography in granular systems
CM Wensrich, JN Hendriks, MH Meylan
Strain 52 (1), 80-87, 2016
Tomographic reconstruction of two-dimensional residual strain fields from Bragg-edge neutron imaging
AWT Gregg, JN Hendriks, CM Wensrich, A Wills, AS Tremsin, V Luzin, ...
Physical Review Applied 10 (6), 064034, 2018
Tomographic reconstruction of triaxial strain fields from Bragg-edge neutron imaging
JN Hendriks, AWT Gregg, RR Jackson, CM Wensrich, A Wills, AS Tremsin, ...
Physical Review Materials 3 (11), 113803, 2019
Tomographic reconstruction of residual strain in axisymmetric systems from Bragg-edge neutron imaging
AWT Gregg, JN Hendriks, CM Wensrich, MH Meylan
Mechanics Research Communications 85, 96-103, 2017
Intragranular strain estimation in far-field scanning X-ray diffraction using a Gaussian process
A Henningsson, J Hendriks
Applied Crystallography 54 (4), 1057-1070, 2021
Implementation of traction constraints in Bragg‐edge neutron transmission strain tomography
J Hendriks, A Gregg, C Wensrich, A Wills
Strain 55 (5), e12325, 2019
Robust inference of two-dimensional strain fields from diffraction-based measurements
JN Hendriks, CM Wensrich, A Wills, V Luzin, AWT Gregg
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2019
A Bayesian approach to triaxial strain tomography from high‐energy X‐ray diffraction
JN Hendriks, CM Wensrich, A Wills
Strain 56 (3), e12341, 2020
A Bayesian filtering algorithm for Gaussian mixture models
AG Wills, J Hendriks, C Renton, B Ninness
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.05495, 2017
Variational state and parameter estimation
J Courts, J Hendriks, A Wills, TB Schön, B Ninness
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (7), 732-737, 2021
Beyond occam’s razor in system identification: Double-descent when modeling dynamics
AH Ribeiro, JN Hendriks, AG Wills, TB Schön
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (7), 97-102, 2021
Deep energy-based NARX models
JN Hendriks, FK Gustafsson, AH Ribeiro, AG Wills, TB Schön
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (7), 505-510, 2021
Evaluating the squared-exponential covariance function in gaussian processes with integral observations
JN Hendriks, C Jidling, A Wills, TB Schön
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.07319, 2018
Residual stress in additively manufactured Inconel cubes; Selective Laser Melting versus Electron Beam Melting and a comparison of modelling techniques
CM Wensrich, V Luzin, JN Hendriks, P Pant, AWT Gregg
Materials & Design 244, 113108, 2024
Predicting political violence using a state-space model
A Lindholm, J Hendriks, A Wills, TB Schön
International Interactions 48 (4), 759-777, 2022
Neutron transmission strain tomography for non-constant stress-free lattice spacing
JN Hendriks, C Jidling, TB Schön, A Wills, CM Wensrich, EH Kisi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2019
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Articles 1–20