Kyle Luthans
Cited by
Cited by
Organizational behavior: An evidence-based approach
F Luthans, BC Luthans, KW Luthans
Iap, 2015
Positive psychological capital: Beyond human and social capital
F Luthans, KW Luthans, BC Luthans
Using positivity, transformational leadership and empowerment to combat employee negativity
JB Avey, LW Hughes, SM Norman, KW Luthans
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 29 (2), 110-126, 2008
The linkage between psychological capital and commitment to organizational mission: A study of nurses
KW Luthans, SM Jensen
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 35 (6), 304-310, 2005
The impact of business school students’ psychological capital on academic performance
BC Luthans, KW Luthans, SM Jensen
Journal of Education for Business 87 (5), 253-259, 2012
Building the leaders of tomorrow: The development of academic psychological capital
BC Luthans, KW Luthans, JB Avey
Journal of leadership & organizational studies 21 (2), 191-199, 2014
Recognition: A powerful, but often overlooked, leadership tool to improve employee performance
K Luthans
Journal of Leadership Studies 7 (1), 31-39, 2000
The proposed contagion effect of hopeful leaders on the resiliency of employees and organizations
S Norman, B Luthans, K Luthans
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 12 (2), 55-64, 2005
Positive approach to leadership (PAL) implications for today's organizations
F Luthans, KW Luthans, RM Hodgetts, BC Luthans
Journal of Leadership Studies 8 (2), 3-20, 2001
Refining grit in academic performance: The mediational role of psychological capital
KW Luthans, BC Luthans, TD Chaffin
Journal of Management Education 43 (1), 35-61, 2019
Positivity in healthcare: relation of optimism to performance
KW Luthans, SA Lebsack, RR Lebsack
Journal of health organization and management 22 (2), 178-188, 2008
A positive approach to management education: The relationship between academic PsyCap and student engagement
KW Luthans, BC Luthans, NF Palmer
Journal of Management Development 35 (9), 1098-1118, 2016
The impact of high performance work on industry-level outcomes
KW Luthans, SM Sommer
Journal of managerial issues, 327-345, 2005
Psychological capital: A new tool for driver retention
SASKW Luthans, JG Messersmith
Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 44 (8/9), 621-634, 2014
Successful reemployment through resiliency development
MM Fleig-Palmer, KW Luthans, BJ Mandernach
Journal of Career Development 35 (3), 228-247, 2009
Expatriate development: the use of 360‐degree feedback
KW Luthans, S Farner
Journal of Management Development 21 (10), 780-793, 2002
A contingency matrix approach to IHRM
F Luthans, PA Marsnik, KW Luthans
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 1997
Optimism and employee performance in the banking industry
SM Jensen, KW Luthans, SA Lebsack, RR Lebsack
Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship 12 (3), 57, 2007
Applying behavioral management in Eastern Europe
F Luthans, A Stajkovic, BC Luthans, K Luthans
European Management Journal 16 (4), 466-475, 1998
Integrity, positive psychological capital and academic performance
TD Chaffin, BC Luthans, KW Luthans
Journal of Management Development 42 (2), 93-105, 2023
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Articles 1–20