Bruce Robertson
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Cited by
A framework for understanding ecological traps and an evaluation of existing evidence
BA Robertson, RL Hutto
Ecology 87 (5), 1075-1085, 2006
Perennial grasslands enhance biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services in bioenergy landscapes
BP Werling, TL Dickson, R Isaacs, H Gaines, C Gratton, KL Gross, H Liere, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (4), 1652-1657, 2014
Ecological novelty and the emergence of evolutionary traps
BA Robertson, JS Rehage, A Sih
Trends in ecology & evolution 28 (9), 552-560, 2013
Polarized light pollution: a new kind of ecological photopollution
G Horváth, G Kriska, P Malik, B Robertson
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7 (6), 317-325, 2009
Biodiversity conservation in the era of biofuels: risks and opportunities
RJ Fletcher Jr, BA Robertson, J Evans, PJ Doran, JRR Alavalapati, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (3), 161-168, 2011
Reducing the maladaptive attractiveness of solar panels to polarotactic insects
G Horváth, M Blahó, Á Egri, G Kriska, I Seres, B Robertson
Conservation Biology 24 (6), 1644-1653, 2010
The cancer diaspora: Metastasis beyond the seed and soil hypothesis
KJ Pienta, BA Robertson, DS Coffey, RS Taichman
Clinical cancer research 19 (21), 5849-5855, 2013
Perennial biomass feedstocks enhance avian diversity
BA Robertson, PJ Doran, LR Loomis, JR Robertson, DW Schemske
GCB Bioenergy 3 (3), 235-246, 2011
Is selectively harvested forest an ecological trap for Olive-sided Flycatchers?
BA Robertson, RL Hutto
The Condor 109 (1), 109-121, 2007
Lamp-lit bridges as dual light-traps for the night-swarming mayfly, Ephoron virgo: interaction of polarized and unpolarized light pollution
D Szaz, G Horvath, A Barta, BA Robertson, A Farkas, A Egri, N Tarjanyi, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0121194, 2015
How the type of anthropogenic change alters the consequences of ecological traps
RJ Fletcher Jr, JL Orrock, BA Robertson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1738), 2546-2552, 2012
Biocontrol potential varies with changes in biofuel–crop plant communities and landscape perenniality
BP Werling, TD Meehan, BA Robertson, C Gratton, DA Landis
Gcb Bioenergy 3 (5), 347-359, 2011
Biomass and biofuel crop effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the North Central US
DA Landis, C Gratton, RD Jackson, KL Gross, DS Duncan, C Liang, ...
Biomass and bioenergy 114, 18-29, 2018
The influence of artificial light at night and polarized light on bird-building collisions
S Lao, BA Robertson, AW Anderson, RB Blair, JW Eckles, RJ Turner, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108358, 2020
Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives
SP Brady, DI Bolnick, RDH Barrett, L Chapman, E Crispo, AM Derry, ...
The American Naturalist 194 (4), 495-515, 2019
Agroenergy crops influence the diversity, biomass, and guild structure of terrestrial arthropod communities
BA Robertson, C Porter, DA Landis, DW Schemske
BioEnergy Research 5, 179-188, 2012
Glass buildings as bird feeders: urban birds exploit insects trapped by polarized light pollution
B Robertson, G Kriska, V Horvath, G Horvath
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (3), 283-293, 2010
Polarized light pollution of matte solar panels: anti-reflective photovoltaics reduce polarized light pollution but benefit only some aquatic insects
D Száz, D Mihályi, A Farkas, Á Egri, A Barta, G Kriska, B Robertson, ...
Journal of Insect Conservation 20, 663-675, 2016
A comparison of North American avian conservation priority ranking systems
DW Mehlman, KV Rosenberg, JV Wells, B Robertson
Biological Conservation 120 (3), 383-390, 2004
Avian use of perennial biomass feedstocks as post-breeding and migratory stopover habitat
BA Robertson, PJ Doran, ER Loomis, JR Robertson, DW Schemske
PloS one 6 (3), e16941, 2011
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Articles 1–20