Suhong Li
Suhong Li
Professor of Data Science and Information Systems, Bryant University
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The impact of supply chain management practices on competitive advantage and organizational performance
S Li, B Ragu-Nathan, TS Ragu-Nathan, SS Rao
Omega 34 (2), 107-124, 2006
Development and validation of a measurement instrument for studying supply chain management practices
S Li, SS Rao, TS Ragu-Nathan, B Ragu-Nathan
Journal of operations management 23 (6), 618-641, 2005
Accessing information sharing and information quality in supply chain management
S Li, B Lin
Decision support systems 42 (3), 1641-1656, 2006
Radio frequency identification technology: applications, technical challenges and strategies
S Li, JK Visich, BM Khumawala, C Zhang
Sensor Review 26 (3), 193-202, 2006
Radio frequency identification applications in hospital environments
AM Wicks, JK Visich, S Li
Hospital topics 84 (3), 3-9, 2006
Empirical evidence of RFID impacts on supply chain performance
JK Visich, S Li, BM Khumawala, PM Reyes
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 29 (12), 1290-1315, 2009
Determinants of RFID adoption stage and perceived benefits
PM Reyes, S Li, JK Visich
European Journal of Operational Research 254 (3), 801-812, 2016
An integrated model for supply chain management practice, performance and competitive advantage
S Li
The University of Toledo, 2002
Understanding the impact of green initiatives and green performance on financial performance in the US
S Li, T Ngniatedema, F Chen
Business Strategy and the Environment 26 (6), 776-790, 2017
The influence of gender on new technology adoption and use–mobile commerce
S Li, R Glass, H Records
Journal of Internet Commerce 7 (2), 270-289, 2008
Social influence and instant messaging adoption
R Glass, S Li
Journal of Computer Information Systems 51 (2), 24-30, 2010
Radio frequency identification: supply chain impact and implementation challenges
S Li, JK Visich
international Journal of integrated supply Management 2 (4), 407-424, 2006
A cross-country comparison of green initiatives, green performance and financial performance
F Chen, T Ngniatedema, S Li
Management Decision 56 (5), 1008-1032, 2018
Secure information sharing in internet-based supply chain management systems
C Zhang, S Li
Journal of Computer Information Systems 46 (4), 18-24, 2006
Enhancing product recovery value in closed-loop supply chains with RFID
JK Visich, S Li, BM Khumawala
Journal of Managerial Issues, 436-452, 2007
Accessing antecedents and outcomes of RFID implementation in health care
PM Reyes, S Li, JK Visich
International Journal of Production Economics 136 (1), 137-150, 2012
An exploratory study of RFID implementation in the supply chain
S Li, D Godon, JK Visich
Management Research Review 33 (10), 1005-1015, 2010
Personality, problematic social network use and academic performance in China
R Glass, S Li, R Pan
Journal of Computer Information Systems 54 (4), 88-96, 2014
Green operations and organizational performance
T Ngniatedema, S Li
International Journal of Business and Social Science 5 (3), 2014
The empirical analysis of technology camel
W Wood, S Li
Issues in Information Systems 6 (2), 154-160, 2005
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Articles 1–20