Geeta Menon
Geeta Menon
Stern School of Business, NYU
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When a day means more than a year: Effects of temporal framing on judgments of health risk
S Chandran, G Menon
Journal of consumer research 31 (2), 375-389, 2004
A sound idea: Phonetic effects of brand names on consumer judgments
E Yorkston, G Menon
Journal of consumer research 31 (1), 43-51, 2004
Non-conscious influences on consumer choice
GJ Fitzsimons, JW Hutchinson, P Williams, JW Alba, TL Chartrand, ...
Marketing Letters 13, 269-279, 2002
Behavioral frequency judgments: An accessibility-diagnosticity framework
G Menon, P Raghubir, N Schwarz
Journal of Consumer Research, 212-228, 1995
Time-varying effects of chronic hedonic goals on impulsive behavior
S Ramanathan, G Menon
Journal of Marketing Research 43 (4), 628-641, 2006
Ease-of-retrieval as an automatic input in judgments: a mere-accessibility framework?
G Menon, P Raghubir
Journal of Consumer Research 30 (2), 230-243, 2003
AIDS and me, never the twain shall meet: The effects of information accessibility on judgments of risk and advertising effectiveness
P Raghubir, G Menon
Journal of Consumer Research 25 (1), 52-63, 1998
When identity marketing backfires: Consumer agency in identity expression
A Bhattacharjee, J Berger, G Menon
Journal of Consumer Research 41 (2), 294-309, 2014
The effects of accessibility of information in memory on judgments of behavioral frequencies
G Menon
Journal of consumer research, 431-440, 1993
Getting emotional about health
N Agrawal, G Menon, JL Aaker
Journal of Marketing Research 44 (1), 100-113, 2007
We're at as much risk as we are led to believe: Effects of message cues on judgments of health risk
G Menon, LG Block, S Ramanathan
Journal of Consumer Research 28 (4), 533-549, 2002
Judgments of behavioral frequencies: Memory search and retrieval strategies
G Menon
Autobiographical memory and the validity of retrospective reports, 161-172, 1994
When internal reference prices and price expectations diverge: The role of confidence
M Thomas, G Menon
Journal of Marketing Research 44 (3), 401-409, 2007
Health risk perceptions and consumer psychology
G Menon, P Raghubir, N Agrawal
Available at SSRN 945673, 2006
How well do you know your partner? Strategies for formulating proxy-reports and their effects on convergence to self-reports
G Menon, B Bickart, S Sudman, J Blair
Journal of Marketing Research 32 (1), 75-84, 1995
Are the parts better than the whole? The effects of decompositional questions on judgments of frequent behaviors
G Menon
Journal of Marketing Research 34 (3), 335-346, 1997
The use of memory and contextual cues in the formation of behavioral frequency judgments
G Menon, EA Yorkston
The science of self-report, 75-92, 1999
The power of emotional appeals in advertising: the influence of concrete versus abstract affect on time-dependent decisions
C Bülbül, G Menon
Journal of Advertising Research 50 (2), 169-180, 2010
Measurement effects in self vs. proxy response to survey questions: an information‐processing perspective
J Blair, G Menon, B Bickart
Measurement errors in surveys, 145-166, 2004
Reconstruction of things past: Why do some memories feel so close and others so far away?
EJ Kyung, G Menon, Y Trope
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (1), 217-220, 2010
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Articles 1–20