Douglas F. Prawitt
Douglas F. Prawitt
Professor of Accountancy, Brigham Young University
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Auditing & assurance services: A systematic approach
WF Messier Jr, SM Glover, DF Prawitt
McGraw-Hill, 2017
Internal audit quality and earnings management
DF Prawitt, JL Smith, DA Wood
The accounting review 84 (4), 1255-1280, 2009
Auditing and assurance services
A Eilifsen
(No Title), 2014
Trust and financial reporting quality
J Garrett, R Hoitash, DF Prawitt
Journal of Accounting Research 52 (5), 1087-1125, 2014
Jasa audit dan assurance: pendekatan sistematis
WF Messier, SM Glover, DF Prawitt, D Priantinah, N Puspitasari
Salemba Empat, 2014
Enhancing auditor professional skepticism: The professional skepticism continuum
SM Glover, DF Prawitt
Current Issues in Auditing 8 (2), P1-P10, 2014
Internal audit outsourcing and the risk of misleading or fraudulent financial reporting: Did Sarbanes‐Oxley get it wrong?
DF Prawitt, NY Sharp, DA Wood
Contemporary accounting research 29 (4), 1109-1136, 2012
Internal audit sourcing arrangement and the external auditor's reliance decision
SM Glover, DF Prawitt, DA Wood
Contemporary accounting research 25 (1), 193-213, 2008
Does congruence between audit structure and auditors' locus of control affect job performance?
TA Hyatt, DF Prawitt
The Accounting Review 76 (2), 263-274, 2001
Reconciling archival and experimental research: Does internal audit contribution affect the external audit fee?
DF Prawitt, NY Sharp, DA Wood
Behavioral Research in Accounting 23 (2), 187-206, 2011
The influence of decision aids on user behavior: Implications for knowledge acquisition and inappropriate reliance
SM Glover, DF Prawitt, BC Spilker
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 72 (2), 232-255, 1997
Audit standard setting and inspection for US public companies: A critical assessment and recommendations for fundamental change
SM Glover, DF Prawitt, MH Taylor
Accounting Horizons 23 (2), 221-237, 2009
Implementing ERP
SM Glover, DF Prawitt, MB Romney
Internal Auditor 56 (1), 40-46, 1999
Publication records of faculty promoted at the top 75 accounting research programs
SM Glover, DF Prawitt, DA Wood
Issues in Accounting Education 21 (3), 195-218, 2006
A test of changes in auditors' fraud‐related planning judgments since the issuance of SAS No. 82
SM Glover, DF Prawitt, JJ Schultz Jr, MF Zimbelman
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 22 (2), 237-251, 2003
Staffing assignments for judgment-oriented audit tasks: The effects of structured audit technology and environment
DF Prawitt
Accounting Review, 443-465, 1995
Elevating professional judgment in auditing and accounting: The KPMG professional judgment framework
S Ranzilla, R Chevalier, G Herrmann, S Glover, D Prawitt
Montvale, NJ: KPMG, 2011
Publication benchmarking data based on faculty promoted at the top 75 US accounting research institutions
SM Glover, DF Prawitt, SL Summers, DA Wood
Issues in Accounting Education 27 (3), 647-670, 2012
Tax professionals' interpretations of ambiguity in compliance and planning decision contexts
BC Spilker, RG Worsham Jr, DF Prawitt
Journal of the American Taxation Association 21 (2), 75-89, 1999
Auditors' reactions to inconsistencies between financial and nonfinancial measures: The interactive effects of fraud risk assessment and a decision prompt
JF Brazel, KL Jones, DF Prawitt
Behavioral Research in Accounting 26 (1), 131-156, 2014
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Articles 1–20