M Sithartha Muthu Vijayan
M Sithartha Muthu Vijayan
Senior Scientist, Multi-Scale Modelling Programme(MSMP), CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR-4PI
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Estimates of interseismic deformation in Northeast India from GPS measurements
S Jade, M Mukul, AK Bhattacharyya, MSM Vijayan, S Jaganathan, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 263 (3-4), 221-234, 2007
GPS-based atmospheric precipitable water vapor estimation using meteorological parameters interpolated from NCEP global reanalysis data
S Jade, MSM Vijayan
J. Geophys. Res 113, D03106, 2008
Estimates of precipitable water vapour from GPS data over the Indian subcontinent
S Jade, MSM Vijayan, VK Gaur, TP Prabhu, SC Sahu
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 67 (6), 623-635, 2005
GPS-derived deformation rates in northwestern Himalaya and Ladakh
S Jade, HJ Raghavendra Rao, MSM Vijayan, VK Gaur, BC Bhatt, K Kumar, ...
International journal of earth sciences 100 (6), 1293-1301, 2011
Effect of the M 9.3 Sumatra–Andaman islands earthquake of 26 December 2004 at several permanent and campaign GPS stations in the Indian continent
S Jade, MSM Vijayan, SS Gupta, PD Kumar, VK Gaur, S Arumugam
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (13-14), 3045-3054, 2007
Dichotomy in mode propagation of coseismic ionospheric disturbance: Observations from April 11, 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake
JK Catherine, MSM Vijayan, UBS Rabiya, K Shimna, VK Gahalaut, ...
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics 120 (doi:10.1002/2014JA020621), 2015
Noise characteristics of GPS time series and their influence on velocity uncertainties
JD Ray, MSM Vijayan, A Kumar
Journal of Earth System Science 128 (6), 146, 2019
Detecting aliasing and artifact free co-seismic and tsunamigenic ionospheric perturbations using GPS
MSM Vijayan, K Shimna
Advances in Space Research, 2021
Seasonal horizontal deformations obtained using GPS and GRACE data: case study of North-East India and Nepal Himalaya
JD Ray, MSM Vijayan, W Godah
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 56 (1), 61-76, 2021
Detecting ionospheric disturbances using GPS without aliasing caused by non-uniform spatial sampling: Algorithm, validation and illustration
K Shimna, MSM Vijayan
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 209, 105400, 2020
Investigation of background noise in the GNSS position time series using spectral analysis – A case study of Nepal Himalaya
AK Ray, J. D., M. S. M. Vijayan, W. Godah
Geodesy and Cartography 68 (2), 375-388, 2019
Coseismic Ionospheric Disturbances Controlled by Rupture Dynamics of 6th February 2023 Turkey-Syria Doublet Earthquakes
M Sithartha Muthu Vijayan, D Thomas
MedGU23 - Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting 2023, T16(1), 2023
Exploring the response of Nepal Himalaya to the hydrological loading during pre and post-seismic phase
JD Ray, M Vijayan
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, G44A-05, 2022
Delineating the seasonal deformations of Nepal Himalayas induced by snow and water loading using GPS, GRACE and global climate model simulations
M Vijayan, JD Ray, W Godah, A Vincent, K Rajendran
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, G51A-01, 2022
Investigating the sources of surface mass loading signals in coastal GNSS permanent stations
J Dwipendra Ray, W Godah, B Devaraju, M Sithartha Muthu Vijayan
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-8682, 2022
Influence of source geometry in determining the characteristics of tsunami-induced TIDs
M Sithartha Muthu Vijayan, S Kannoth
42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly 42, C1. 4-19-18, 2018
a Simple Algorithm to Remove Artefacts and Aliasing from the Ionospheric Irregularities Detected Using GPS
S Kannoth, M Sithartha Muthu Vijayan
42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly 42, C1. 4-21-18, 2018
Noise characteristics of Continuous GPS time series of Central and Eastern Himalaya
JD Ray, MSM Vijayan, A Kumar
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, G23B-1074, 2015
Geodetic insights on the post-seismic transients from the Andaman Nicobar region: 2005-2013
A Earnest, M Vijayan, S Jade, R Krishnan, ST Sringeri
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, T51D-2498, 2013
Global Navigation Satellite Systems for Natural Hazard Estimation
S Jade, MSM Vijayan, A Earnest
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2013
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Articles 1–20