Giorgio Iabichino
Giorgio Iabichino
Ricercatore C.N.R. - Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria
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Experimental and analytical studies of the parameters influencing the action of TBM disc tools in tunnelling
M Cardu, G Iabichino, P Oreste, A Rispoli
Acta Geotechnica 12, 293-304, 2017
Evaluationof joint roughness and dilatancy of schistosity joints
M Cravero, AM Ferrero, G Iabichino
A Challenge for Society 1, 217-223, 2001
Analysis of fracture mechanics tests on Opalinus Clay
S Valente, C Fidelibus, S Loew, M Cravero, G Iabichino, F Barpi
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 45, 767-779, 2012
Fracture mechanics characterization of an anisotropic geomaterial
F Barpi, S Valente, M Cravero, G Iabichino, C Fidelibus
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 84, 111-122, 2012
A κ-entropic approach to the analysis of the fracture problem
M Cravero, G Iabichino, G Kaniadakis, E Miraldi, AM Scarfone
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 340 (1-3), 410-417, 2004
Analysis of large joint profiles related to rock slope instabilities
M Cravero, G Iabichino, V Piovano
ISRM Congress, ISRM-8CONGRESS-1995-086, 1995
Analysis of the flexural failure of an overhanging rock slab
M Cravero, G Iabichino
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 41, 605-610, 2004
Comparative mechanical characterization of marble by means of laboratory testing
M Cravero, D Gullì, G Iabichino
Proc. of 12th Panamerican Conf. on soil Mech. And Geothec. Eng. Soil Rock …, 2003
Geomechanical study for the exploitation of an underground marble quarry
M Cravero, G Iabichino
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 34 (3-4), 58. e1 …, 1997
Monitoring and geomechanical evaluations at an open pit marble quarry
G Iabichino, M Cravero, M Gardenato
Sri Lankan geotechnical society’s first international conference on soil and …, 2007
Interpretazione con modelli matematici di misure di rugosità di discontinuità naturali in roccia
AM Ferrero, G Iabichino, G Pancotti, GP Giani
Convegno nazionale di geotecnica, 101-106, 1999
Rock stress measurements in Alpi Apuane quarry sites by means of hydraulic fracturing (HF)
M Cravero, D Gullì, G Iabichino, D Valentino
In-situ Rock Stress, 103, 2015
Geostructural and geomechanical characterization of rock exposures for an endangered alpine road (Italy)
GP Cavinato, M Cravero, G Iabichino, D Pettinau
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-05-739, 2005
Metodi di analisi e dimensionamento di sostegni e rinforzi per pendii naturali o di scavo in roccia
M Cravero, G Iabichino, P Oreste, SP Teodori
Titolo volume non avvalorato, 77-146, 2004
Tensile crack propagation in artificial specimens with two slits
M Castelli, M Cravero, G Iabichino, C Scavia
Proc. Int. Svmp. on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, IS …, 1997
Experiences in the measurement of stresses and displacements in the Masua mine (Sardinia, Italy)
M Cravero, G Iabichino, O Del Greco
International Symposium on field measurements in geomechanics, 653-662, 1991
Theoretical and experimental results from Laboratory tests by ILCM
M Cardu, A Rispoli, G Iabichino, P Oreste, F Vagnon
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 39, 3573-3597, 2021
Monitoring and computations on a landslide in an open pit mine
P Allasia, D Giordan, G Lollino, M Cravero, G Iabichino, NW Bianchi, ...
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-09-103, 2009
Comparison between 2D overcoring and Hydraulic Fracturing stress measurements in the Apuane Alps
G Iabichino, D Gullì, M Cravero, S Bianchini
Int. Symp. on In Situ Rock Stress, 19-21, 2006
Rock block loads in a tunnel in hard jointed rock: a comparison between estimations based on outcrop and underground structural survey
M Cravero, G Iabichino, F Piana, S Tallone
ARMA North America Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMA-96-1737, 1996
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Articles 1–20