Anisotropic strength and deformational behaviour of Himalayan Schists RKSRT Nasseri B.M.H. IJRMMS 40, 3-23, 2003 | 502* | 2003 |
Failure mechanism in schistose rocks RKSRT Nasseri B.M.H. IJRMMS 34, 460, 1997 | 149* | 1997 |
Engineering geological and geotechnical responses of schistose rocks from dam project areas in India RKSRT Nasseri Behrestaghi M.H. Engineering Geology, 183-201, 1996 | 127 | 1996 |
Characterization of microstructures and fracture toughness in five granitic rocks MBPYR Nasseri B.M.H. IJRMMS 42, 450-460, 2005 | 124 | 2005 |
3-D transport and acoustic properties of Fontainebleau sandstone during true-triaxial deformation experiments RP Nasseri, M.H.B. Goodfellow, S.D. Lombos L. and Young IJRMMS 69, 1-18, 2014 | 112* | 2014 |
Surface topography and internal strain variation in wide hot orogens from three-dimensional analogue and two-dimensional numerical vice models AR Cruden, MHB Nasseri, R Pysklywec | 101 | 2006 |
Strength and deformational responses of schistose rocks MHN Behrestaghi | 6 | 1992 |
Three dimensional strain partitioning in analogue versus numerical models of convergent orogens MHBNRP A.R. Cruden An international Journal of Earth Sciences, 70-73, 2004 | 5* | 2004 |
Hydro-mechanical behaviour of the Cobourg limestone. TSNZL M.H.B. Nasseri, R.P. Young, X. Su IJRMMS 102, 42-51, 2018 | 4* | 2018 |
Evaluation of wave propagation properties during a true-triaxial rock fracture experiment using acoustic emission frequency characteristics SD Goodfellow, M Ghofrani Tabari, MB Nasseri, R Young AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, MR13A-2240, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Analogue versus numerical vise models of wide, hot convergent orogens: influence of lateral flow on development of 3d strain fields and topography A Cruden, M Nasseri, R Pysklywec EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 11476, 2003 | 1 | 2003 |
ONKALO POSE Experiment-Strength, Deformation and Seismic Response of Olkiluoto Isotropic Pegmatitic Granite and Anisotropic Migmatitic Gneiss under a State of True-Triaxial Stress RP Young, MHB Nasseri, J Suikkanen | | 2016 |
ONKALO POSE Experiment-Strength, Deformation and Seismic Response of Olkiluoto Isotropic Pegmatitic Granite and Anisotropic Migmatitic Gneiss under a State of True-Triaxial Stress MHN Behrestaghi, RP Young, J Suikkanen | | 2016 |
Faulting of Rocks in a Three-Dimensional Stress Field by Micro-Anticracks RP Ghaffari, H.O. Nasseri, M.H.B. & Young Nature Scientific 4 (Article number 5011), 2014 | | 2014 |
Investigation of permeability anisotropy and polymodal fracture pattern development using a true-triaxial geophysical imaging cell MB Nasseri, SD Goodfellow, K Peterson, R Young AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, MR23C-04, 2013 | | 2013 |
3D Anisotropic Velocity Tomography of a Water Saturated Rock under True-Triaxial Stress in the Laboratory M Ghofrani Tabari, SD Goodfellow, MB Nasseri, R Young AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, MR13A-2255, 2013 | | 2013 |
Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical properties of Cobourg limestone under hydrostatic and deviatoric stresses RP Nasseri, M.H.B. Goodfellow, S. D. Wanne, T.S. and Young IJRMMS 61, 212-222, 2013 | | 2013 |
Acoustic Emission and Velocity Imaging of Fracturing under Poly-axial Loading M Ghofrani Tabari, MB Nasseri, R Young AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, S33A-2311, 2011 | | 2011 |
Comparison of Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Untreated and Thermally Damaged Westerly granites Using a Geophysical Imaging Cell MB Nasseri, S Goodfellow, R Young AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, S43C-2279, 2011 | | 2011 |
Coupled Evolutions of Fracture Toughness and Elastic Properties at High Crack Density in Thermally Treated Westerly Granite NMHBSAY R.P. IJRMMS, 601-616, 2007 | | 2007 |