Mohammad Hossein Nasseri Behrestaghi
Mohammad Hossein Nasseri Behrestaghi
Research scientist at University of Toronto
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Anisotropic strength and deformational behaviour of Himalayan Schists
RKSRT Nasseri B.M.H.
IJRMMS 40, 3-23, 2003
Failure mechanism in schistose rocks
RKSRT Nasseri B.M.H.
IJRMMS 34, 460, 1997
Engineering geological and geotechnical responses of schistose rocks from dam project areas in India
RKSRT Nasseri Behrestaghi M.H.
Engineering Geology, 183-201, 1996
Characterization of microstructures and fracture toughness in five granitic rocks
MBPYR Nasseri B.M.H.
IJRMMS 42, 450-460, 2005
3-D transport and acoustic properties of Fontainebleau sandstone during true-triaxial deformation experiments
RP Nasseri, M.H.B. Goodfellow, S.D. Lombos L. and Young
IJRMMS 69, 1-18, 2014
Surface topography and internal strain variation in wide hot orogens from three-dimensional analogue and two-dimensional numerical vice models
AR Cruden, MHB Nasseri, R Pysklywec
Strength and deformational responses of schistose rocks
MHN Behrestaghi
Three dimensional strain partitioning in analogue versus numerical models of convergent orogens
MHBNRP A.R. Cruden
An international Journal of Earth Sciences, 70-73, 2004
Hydro-mechanical behaviour of the Cobourg limestone.
TSNZL M.H.B. Nasseri, R.P. Young, X. Su
IJRMMS 102, 42-51, 2018
Evaluation of wave propagation properties during a true-triaxial rock fracture experiment using acoustic emission frequency characteristics
SD Goodfellow, M Ghofrani Tabari, MB Nasseri, R Young
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, MR13A-2240, 2013
Analogue versus numerical vise models of wide, hot convergent orogens: influence of lateral flow on development of 3d strain fields and topography
A Cruden, M Nasseri, R Pysklywec
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 11476, 2003
ONKALO POSE Experiment-Strength, Deformation and Seismic Response of Olkiluoto Isotropic Pegmatitic Granite and Anisotropic Migmatitic Gneiss under a State of True-Triaxial Stress
RP Young, MHB Nasseri, J Suikkanen
ONKALO POSE Experiment-Strength, Deformation and Seismic Response of Olkiluoto Isotropic Pegmatitic Granite and Anisotropic Migmatitic Gneiss under a State of True-Triaxial Stress
MHN Behrestaghi, RP Young, J Suikkanen
Faulting of Rocks in a Three-Dimensional Stress Field by Micro-Anticracks
RP Ghaffari, H.O. Nasseri, M.H.B. & Young
Nature Scientific 4 (Article number 5011), 2014
Investigation of permeability anisotropy and polymodal fracture pattern development using a true-triaxial geophysical imaging cell
MB Nasseri, SD Goodfellow, K Peterson, R Young
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, MR23C-04, 2013
3D Anisotropic Velocity Tomography of a Water Saturated Rock under True-Triaxial Stress in the Laboratory
M Ghofrani Tabari, SD Goodfellow, MB Nasseri, R Young
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, MR13A-2255, 2013
Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical properties of Cobourg limestone under hydrostatic and deviatoric stresses
RP Nasseri, M.H.B. Goodfellow, S. D. Wanne, T.S. and Young
IJRMMS 61, 212-222, 2013
Acoustic Emission and Velocity Imaging of Fracturing under Poly-axial Loading
M Ghofrani Tabari, MB Nasseri, R Young
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, S33A-2311, 2011
Comparison of Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Untreated and Thermally Damaged Westerly granites Using a Geophysical Imaging Cell
MB Nasseri, S Goodfellow, R Young
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, S43C-2279, 2011
Coupled Evolutions of Fracture Toughness and Elastic Properties at High Crack Density in Thermally Treated Westerly Granite
IJRMMS, 601-616, 2007
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Articles 1–20