Trevor Bailey
Trevor Bailey
Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales
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Strontium isotope stratigraphy: LOWESS version 3: Best fit to the marine Sr‐isotope curve for 0–509 Ma and accompanying look‐up table for deriving numerical age
JM McArthur, RJ Howarth, TR Bailey
The Journal of Geology 109 (2), 155-170, 2001
Paleoceanographic changes of the Late Pliensbachian–Early Toarcian interval: a possible link to the genesis of an Oceanic Anoxic Event
TR Bailey, Y Rosenthal, JM McArthur, B Van De Schootbrugge, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 212 (3), 307-320, 2003
Cooling and ice growth across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
CH Lear, TR Bailey, PN Pearson, HK Coxall, Y Rosenthal
Geology 36 (3), 251-254, 2008
Toarcian oceanic anoxic event: an assessment of global causes using belemnite C isotope records
B van de Schootbrugge, JM McArthur, TR Bailey, Y Rosenthal, JD Wright, ...
Paleoceanography 20 (3), 2005
Early Jurassic climate change and the radiation of organic-walled phytoplankton in the Tethys Ocean
B van de Schootbrugge, TR Bailey, Y Rosenthal, ME Katz, JD Wright, ...
Paleobiology 31 (1), 73-97, 2005
End-Triassic calcification crisis and blooms of organic-walled ‘disaster species’
B Van de Schootbrugge, F Tremolada, Y Rosenthal, TR Bailey, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 244 (1), 126-141, 2007
Dissolution methods for strontium isotope stratigraphy: whole rock analysis
TR Bailey, JM McArthur, H Prince, MF Thirlwall
Chemical Geology 167 (3), 313-319, 2000
CO2 drawdown following the middle Miocene expansion of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
MPS Badger, CH Lear, RD Pancost, GL Foster, TR Bailey, MJ Leng, ...
Paleoceanography 28 (1), 42-53, 2013
A core top assessment of proxies for the ocean carbonate system in surface‐dwelling foraminifers
Y Ni, GL Foster, T Bailey, T Elliott, DN Schmidt, P Pearson, B Haley, ...
Paleoceanography 22 (3), 2007
A revised Pliocene record for marine-87 Sr/86 Sr used to date an interglacial event recorded in the Cockburn Island Formation, Antarctic Peninsula
JM McArthur, D Rio, F Massari, D Castradori, TR Bailey, M Thirlwall, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (1), 126-136, 2006
The Mg/Ca–temperature relationship in brachiopod shells: Calibrating a potential palaeoseasonality proxy
S Butler, TR Bailey, CH Lear, GB Curry, L Cherns, I McDonald
Chemical Geology 397, 106-117, 2015
Testing the effect of carbonate saturation on the Sr/Ca of biogenic aragonite: a case study from the River Ehen, Cumbria, UK
TR Bailey, CH Lear
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (3), 2006
Applications of strontium isotope stratigraphy: the potential of laser micro-sampling
TR Bailey
Royal Holloway, University of London, 2001
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Articles 1–13