Alptekin Temizel
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Cited by
Slicing Aided Hyper Inference and Fine-tuning for Small Object Detection
FC Akyon, SO Altinuc, A Temizel
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2022
Wavelet domain image resolution enhancement using cycle-spinning
A Temizel, T Vlachos
Electronics Letters 41 (3), 119-121, 2005
Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy
S Ali, M Dmitrieva, N Ghatwary, S Bano, G Polat, A Temizel, A Krenzer, ...
Medical Image Analysis 70, 102002, 2021
A new approach to aflatoxin detection in chili pepper by machine vision
M Ataş, Y Yardimci, A Temizel
Computers and electronics in agriculture 87, 129-141, 2012
Image resolution upscaling in the wavelet domain using directional cycle spinning
A Temizel, T Vlachos
Journal of Electronic Imaging 14 (4), 040501-040501-3, 2005
Image resolution enhancement using wavelet domain hidden Markov tree and coefficient sign estimation
A Temizel
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 5, V-381-V-384, 2007
Wavelet domain image resolution enhancement
A Temizel, T Vlachos
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 153 (1), 25-30, 2006
Adaptive mean-shift for automated multi object tracking
C Beyan, A Temizel
IET computer vision 6 (1), 1-12, 2012
Multi-spectral Satellite Image Registration Using Scale-Restricted SURF.
M Teke, A Temizel
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2010), 2310-2313, 2010
Improved SIFT matching for image pairs with scale difference
Y Bastanlar, A Temizel, Y Yardımcı
Electronics Letters 46 (5), 346-348, 2010
Method and system for data authentication for use with computer systems
M Akhan, A Cetin, A Temizel
US Patent App. 11/210,543, 2006
Registration of multispectral satellite images with orientation-restricted SIFT
MF Vural, Y Yardimci, A Temizel
2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 3, III-243 …, 2009
Real-time adaptive camera tamper detection for video surveillance
A Saglam, A Temizel
2009 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2009
Camera tamper detection using wavelet analysis for video surveillance
A Aksay, A Temizel, AE Cetin
2007 IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 558-562, 2007
Real-time multi-camera video analytics system on GPU
P Guler, D Emeksiz, A Temizel, M Teke, TT Temizel
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 11, 457-472, 2016
Cospair: colored histograms of spatial concentric surflet-pairs for 3d object recognition
KB Logoglu, S Kalkan, A Temizel
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 75, 558-570, 2016
The Effects of JPEG and JPEG2000 Compression on Attacks using Adversarial Examples
AE Aydemir, A Temizel, T Taskaya Temizel, 2018
Multi-view structure-from-motion for hybrid camera scenarios
Y Bastanlar, A Temizel, Y Yardimci, P Sturm
Image and Vision Computing 30 (8), 557-572, 2012
Experiences on image and video processing with CUDA and OpenCL
A Temizel, T Halici, B Logoglu, TT Temizel, F Omruuzun, E Karaman
GPU computing gems Emerald Edition, 547-567, 2011
Class Distance Weighted Cross-Entropy Loss for Ulcerative Colitis Severity Estimation
G Polat, I Ergenc, HT Kani, YO Alahdab, O Atug, A Temizel
26th UK Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, 2022
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Articles 1–20