wajan berata
wajan berata
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Surabaya
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Cited by
Analytical study and FEM simulation of the maximum varying blank holder force to prevent cracking on cylindrical cup deep drawing
S Candra, IML Batan, W Berata, AS Pramono
Procedia Cirp 26, 548-553, 2015
Fatigue crack growth behaviour of Ti 6Al 4V at elevated temperature in high vacuum
J Petit, W Berata, B Bouchet
Scripta metallurgica et materialia 26 (12), 1889-1894, 1992
Influence of environment on the propagation of short fatigue cracks in a titanium alloy
J Petit, J Mendez, W Berata, L Legendre, C Muller
I.,“Experimental study of the influence of quenching and partitioning temperature variation on retained austenite fraction in AISI 4140 steel”
W Wijanarko, W Berata, S SUTIKNO
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences 11 (2), 2016
Neural networks with NARX structure for material lifetime assessment application
MIP Hidayat, PSMM Yusoff, W Berata
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics, 273-278, 2011
Fatigue crack growth behavior of Ti-6 Al-4 V at elevated temperatures
J Petit, W Berata, B Bouchet
Titanium'92: Science and technology, 1, 1993
Simulation of semi-active the blank holder force control to prevent wrinkling and cracking in deep drawing process
S Candra, IML Batan, W Berata, AS Pramono
Applied Mechanics and Materials 493, 473-479, 2014
Multiple reinforcements composite as a lightweight helmet material in order to absorb impact energy due to collision
W Berata, S Sutikno, A Safa’at, JA Nugroho
AIP Conference Proceedings 1983 (1), 2018
Hollow glass microsphere-epoxy composite material for helmet application to reduce impact energy due to collision
S Sutikno, W Berata, W Wijanarko
AIP Conference Proceedings 1855 (1), 2017
Effect of volume fraction epoxy-hollow glass microspheres and curing temperature variation on compressive properties of composites
W Berata, W Wijanarko, I Sidharta
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (4), 2729-2733, 2016
Modeling of critical blank holder force based on a gap limit and unbending strain energy in deep drawing process
S Candra, I Batan, W Berata, AS Pramono
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 7 (2), 461-474, 2015
Laju Perambatan Retak Plat Aluminium 2024-T3 dengan Beban Fatigue Uniaksial pada Rasio Beban dan Jarak Diameter Lubang Berbeda
BL Sanyoto, W Berata
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin CAKRAM 2 (2), 82-91, 2008
Pengaruh Struktur Mikro dan Lingkungan Pada Karakteristik Rambatan Retak Ti-6Al-4V oleh Pembebanan Dinamis
W Berata
Majalah Iptek 9 (3), 163-175, 1998
Modeling of the minimum variable blank holder force based on forming limit diagram (FLD) in deep drawing process
S Candra, IML Batan, W Berata, AS Pramono
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 273 (1), 012014, 2017
Rancang Bangun Rangka Fleksibel Dalam Upaya Optimasi Geometri Rangka Sepeda
IML Batan, TL Suhardiman, W Berata
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 2010
Pemodelan Simulasi Berbasis Fuzzy Controller Terhadap Perilaku Yaw Rate dengan Pengendalian Sudut Steer Roda Belakang (4WS)
W Berata, IDGA Subagia
Jurnal Teknik Mesin 6 (2), 49-56, 2004
Résistance à la fissuration en fatigue à temperature élevée de l'alliage TA6V
W Berata
Poitiers, 1992
Neural networks with radial basis function and NARX structure for material lifetime assessment application
MIP Hidayat, W Berata
Advanced Materials Research 277, 143-150, 2011
Effects of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch and Magnesium Oxide Volume Fraction on Mechanical Characteristics of Railway Brake Block Composite Material
S Sutikno, W Berata, KHS Fendy, A Safaat
Key Engineering Materials 867, 91-97, 2020
Faktor Intensitas Tegangan Pada Part Through Crack Untuk Kasus Surface Crack Dengan Metode Elemen Hingga
W Berata
Jurnal Teknik Mesin 5 (2), 48-55, 2003
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Articles 1–20