Stephen Holland
Stephen Holland
Professor of Tourism, Recreation and Sport Management, University of Florida
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A structural model for examining how destination image, perceived value, and service quality affect destination loyalty: A case study of Orlando
SH Kim, S Holland, HS Han
International journal of tourism research 15 (4), 313-328, 2013
Local communities and protected areas: The mediating role of place attachment for pro-environmental civic engagement
N Buta, SM Holland, K Kaplanidou
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 5, 1-10, 2014
Structural relationships between environmental attitudes, recreation motivations, and environmentally responsible behaviors
N Kil, SM Holland, TV Stein
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 7, 16-25, 2014
Fishing trip satisfaction: a typology of anglers
SM Holland, RB Ditton
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12 (1), 28-33, 1992
The determinants of hospitality employees’ pro-environmental behaviors: The moderating role of generational differences
SH Kim, M Kim, HS Han, S Holland
International Journal of Hospitality Management 52, 56-67, 2016
Place attachment as a mediator of the relationship between nature-based recreation benefits and future visit intentions
N Kil, SM Holland, TV Stein, YJ Ko
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 20 (4), 603-626, 2012
Recreational fishing as tourism
RB Ditton, SM Holland, DK Anderson
Fisheries 27 (3), 17-24, 2002
Structural relationships among involvement, destination brand equity, satisfaction and destination visit intentions: The case of Japanese outbound travelers
SH Kim, HS Han, S Holland, KK Byon
Journal of vacation marketing 15 (4), 349-365, 2009
Enhancing destination image through travel website information
C Jeong, S Holland, SH Jun, H Gibson
International journal of tourism research 14 (1), 16-27, 2012
A comparison of attitudes toward state-led conservation and community-based conservation in the village of Bigodi, Uganda
A Lepp, S Holland
Society and Natural Resources 19 (7), 609-623, 2006
Achieving bat conservation through tourism
LA Pennisi, SM Holland, TV Stein
Journal of Ecotourism 3 (3), 195-207, 2004
An ecotourism perspective on billfish fisheries
SM Holland, RB Ditton, AR Graefe
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 6 (2), 97-116, 1998
Wildfires and tourist behaviors in Florida
B Thapa, I Cahyanto, SM Holland, JD Absher
Tourism Management 36, 284-292, 2013
Objective indicators of the impact of rural tourism development in the state of Florida
JC Crotts, SM Holland
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1 (2), 112-120, 1993
Effects of intrinsic motivation on organizational citizenship behaviors of hospitality employees: The mediating roles of reciprocity and organizational commitment
SH Kim, M Kim, S Holland
Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 19 (2), 168-195, 2020
How customer personality traits influence brand loyalty in the coffee shop industry: The moderating role of business types
SH Kim, M Kim, S Holland
International journal of hospitality & tourism administration 19 (3), 311-335, 2018
Developing new tourism products: Sport fishing in the south-east United States
WS Roehl, RB Ditton, SM Holland, RR Perdue
Tourism Management 14 (4), 279-288, 1993
Understanding place meanings in planning and managing the wildland–urban interface: The case of Florida trail hikers
N Kil, TV Stein, SM Holland, DH Anderson
Landscape and Urban Planning 107 (4), 370-379, 2012
Influences of wildland–urban interface and wildland hiking areas on experiential recreation outcomes and environmental setting preferences
N Kil, TV Stein, SM Holland
Landscape and Urban Planning 127, 1-12, 2014
Analyzing recreational conflict: Understanding why conflict occurs is requisite to managing that conflict
RL Bury, SM Holland, DN McEwen
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 38 (5), 401-403, 1983
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