j.m. guevara-jordan
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Cited by
A mimetic iterative scheme for solving biharmonic equations
A Gomez-Polanco, JM Guevara-Jordan, B Molina
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (9-10), 2132-2139, 2013
A new mimetic scheme for the acoustic wave equation
F Solano-Feo, JM Guevara-Jordan, O Rojas, B Otero, R Rodriguez
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 295, 2-12, 2016
Convergence of a mimetic finite difference method for static diffusion equation
JM Guevara-Jordan, S Rojas, M Freites-Villegas, JE Castillo
Advances in Difference Equations 2007, 1-12, 2007
A new second order finite difference conservative scheme.
JM Guevara-Jordan, S Rojas, M Freites-Villegas, JE Castillo
Divulgaciones Matemáticas 13 (2), 107-122, 2005
A conservative finite difference scheme for static diffusion equation.
J Arteaga-Arispe, JM Guevara-Jordan
Divulgaciones Matemáticas 16 (1), 39-54, 2008
Tensor formulation of 3-D mimetic finite differences and applications to elliptic problems
J Blanco, O Rojas, C Chacón, JM Guevara-Jordan, J Castillo
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal 45, 457-475, 2016
A second-order mimetic approach for tracer flow in oil reservoirs
JM Guevara-Jordan, J Arteaga-Arispe
SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, SPE-107366-MS, 2007
A numerical study of mimetic scheme for the unsteady heat equation
I Mannarino, Y Quintana, JM Guevara-Jordan
submitted fo FACYT Review, 2007
A method of fundamental solutions for modeling porous media advective fluid flow
JM Guevara-Jordan, S Rojas
Applied numerical mathematics 47 (3-4), 449-465, 2003
Applications of Singular Value Decomposition to Determine Streamline Distribution for Sectionally Homogeneous Reservoirs
JM Guevara-Jordan, F Rodriguez-Hernandez
SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry?, SPE-65414-MS, 2001
New approach for describing transient pressure response generated by horizontal wells of arbitrary geometry
RJ González-Requena, JM Guevara-Jordan
Applied numerical mathematics 40 (4), 433-449, 2002
A performance analysis of a mimetic finite difference scheme for acoustic wave propagation on GPU platforms
B Otero, J Frances, R Rodriguez, O Rojas, F Solano, J Guevara‐Jordan
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (4), e3880, 2017
Sobre los Esquemas Miméticos de Diferencias Finitas para la Ecuación Estática de Difusión
JM Guevara-Jordan
Trabajo de Ascenso, UCV Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
A mixed finite element method for Hele-Shaw cell equations
JM Guevara-Jordan, J Glimm
Computational Geosciences 1, 35-58, 1997
A new analysis of an implicit mimetic scheme for the heat equation
M Castillo, J Guevara-Jordan
journal of applied mathematics and physics 11 (3), 841-857, 2023
Modeling seismic wave propagation using staggered-grid mimetic finite difference
F Solano, JM Guevara-Jordan, C Gonzalez-Ramirez, O Rojas-Ulacion, ...
bulletin of computational applied mathematics 15 (2), 9-28, 2017
A fast method for computing tracer flow in oil reservoirs
JM Guevara-Jordan
SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, SPE-81153-MS, 2003
Modeling Wind Driven Circulation and Chlorophyll Concentration in Lake Valencia
M. Valera,J.M. Guevara-Jordan, R. Garcia, I. Saavedra, J.R. Leon
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 9 (6), 3109-3115, 2016
A new conservative method for the unsteady heat equation
J Arteaga-Arispe, JM Guevara-Jordan
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (9-10), 2302-2315, 2013
Tensor Formulation for 3D Mimetic Operators Applied to Elliptic Equations
J Blanco, O Rojas, C Chacon-Suescun, JM Guevara-Jordan, JE Castillo
Electronic Transactions in Numerical Analysis (ETNA) 45, 457-475, 2017
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Articles 1–20