Sehraneh Ghaemi
Sehraneh Ghaemi
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz
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PV maximum power‐point tracking by using artificial neural network
F Sedaghati, A Nahavandi, MA Badamchizadeh, S Ghaemi, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012 (1), 506709, 2012
Application of type-2 fuzzy logic system for load frequency control using feedback error learning approaches
K Sabahi, S Ghaemi, S Pezeshki
Applied Soft Computing 21, 1-11, 2014
Using a genetic algorithm optimizer tool to solve University timetable scheduling problem
S Ghaemi, MT Vakili, A Aghagolzadeh
2007 9th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 1-4, 2007
A modified sliding mode approach for synchronization of fractional-order chaotic/hyperchaotic systems by using new self-structuring hierarchical type-2 fuzzy neural network
A Mohammadzadeh, S Ghaemi
Neurocomputing 191, 200-213, 2016
Hybrid particle swarm optimization transplanted into a hyper-heuristic structure for solving examination timetabling problem
MA Ahandani, MTV Baghmisheh, MAB Zadeh, S Ghaemi
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 7, 21-34, 2012
Robust -Based Synchronization of the Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems by Using New Self-Evolving Nonsingleton Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks
A Mohammadzadeh, S Ghaemi, O Kaynak, S Khanmohammadi
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 24 (6), 1544-1554, 2016
Adaptive backstepping quantized control for a class of unknown nonlinear systems
E Aslmostafa, S Ghaemi, MA Badamchizadeh, AR Ghiasi
ISA transactions 125, 146-155, 2022
Robust synchronization of uncertain fractional-order chaotic systems with time-varying delay
A Mohammadzadeh, S Ghaemi
Nonlinear Dynamics 93, 1809-1821, 2018
Robust predictive synchronization of uncertain fractional-order time-delayed chaotic systems
A Mohammadzadeh, S Ghaemi, O Kaynak, SK Mohammadi
Soft Computing 23, 6883-6898, 2019
Observer-based method for synchronization of uncertain fractional order chaotic systems by the use of a general type-2 fuzzy system
A Mohammadzadeh, S Ghaemi, O Kaynak, S Khanmohammadi
Applied Soft Computing 49, 544-560, 2016
Designing an adaptive type-2 fuzzy logic system load frequency control for a nonlinear time-delay power system
K Sabahi, S Ghaemi, M Badamchizadeh
Applied Soft Computing 43, 97-106, 2016
Synchronization of uncertain fractional-order hyperchaotic systems by using a new self-evolving non-singleton type-2 fuzzy neural network and its application to secure …
A Mohammadzadeh, S Ghaemi
Nonlinear Dynamics 88, 1-19, 2017
Optimal synchronization of fractional-order chaotic systems subject to unknown fractional order, input nonlinearities and uncertain dynamic using type-2 fuzzy CMAC
A Mohammadzadeh, S Ghaemi
Nonlinear Dynamics 88, 2993-3002, 2017
Adaptive synchronization of new fractional‐order chaotic systems with fractional adaption laws based on risk analysis
R Behinfaraz, S Ghaemi, S Khanmohammadi
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 42 (6), 1772-1785, 2019
Synchronization of chaotic systems and identification of nonlinear systems by using recurrent hierarchical type-2 fuzzy neural networks
A Mohammadzadeh, S Ghaemi
ISA transactions 58, 318-329, 2015
Control of overhead crane system using adaptive model-free and adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controllers
S Pezeshki, MA Badamchizadeh, AR Ghiasi, S Ghaemi
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 26, 1-15, 2015
Driver′ s Behavior Modeling Using Fuzzy Logic
S Ghaemi, S Khanmohammadi, M Tinati
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2010 (1), 172878, 2010
PSO tuned FLC for full autopilot control of quadrotor to tackle wind disturbance using bond graph approach
V Mohammadi, S Ghaemi, H Kharrati
Applied Soft Computing 65, 184-195, 2018
Direct power control of DFIG based wind turbine based on wind speed estimation and particle swarm optimization
MT Hagh, S Roozbehani, F Najaty, S Ghaemi, Y Tan, KM Muttaqi
2015 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-6, 2015
Indirect predictive type-2 fuzzy neural network controller for a class of nonlinear input-delay systems
K Sabahi, S Ghaemi, J Liu, MA Badamchizadeh
ISA transactions 71, 185-195, 2017
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Articles 1–20