Nicholas Kerry
Cited by
Cited by
On disease and deontology: Multiple tests of the influence of disease threat on moral vigilance.
DR Murray, N Kerry, WM Gervais
Social Psychological and Personality Science 10 (1), 44–52, 2019
Conservative parenting: Investigating the relationships between parenthood, moral judgment, and social conservatism
N Kerry, DR Murray
Personality and Individual Differences 134, 88-96, 2018
The kiss of death: Three tests of the relationship between disease threat and ritualized physical contact within traditional cultures
DR Murray, DMT Fessler, N Kerry, C White, M Marin
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (1), 63-70, 2017
Outbreaks and outgroups: Three tests of the relationship between disease avoidance motives and xenophobia during an emerging pandemic
JB Moran, JX Goh, N Kerry, DR Murray
Evolutionary Psychological Science 7, 419-429, 2021
Politics and parental care: Experimental and mediational tests of the causal link between parenting motivation and social conservatism
N Kerry, DR Murray
Social Psychological and Personality Science 11 (2), 284-292, 2020
Belief in a dangerous world does not explain substantial variance in political attitudes, but other world beliefs do
JDW Clifton, N Kerry
Social Psychological and Personality Science 14 (5), 515-525, 2023
Strong personalities: Investigating the relationships between grip strength, self-perceived formidability, and Big Five personality traits
N Kerry, DR Murray
Personality and Individual Differences 131, 216-221, 2018
Parasites and promiscuity: Acute disease salience leads to more restricted sexual attitudes
JB Moran, N Kerry, JX Goh, DR Murray
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (11), 3333-3349, 2021
Physical strength partly explains sex differences in trait anxiety in young Americans
N Kerry, DR Murray
Psychological science 32 (5), 809-815, 2021
Despite popular intuition, positive world beliefs poorly reflect several objective indicators of privilege, including wealth, health, sex, and neighborhood safety
N Kerry, KC White, ML O'Brien, LM Perry, JDW Clifton
Journal of Personality 92 (4), 1129-1142, 2024
The Holy Father (and Mother)? Multiple tests of the hypothesis that parenthood and parental care motivation lead to greater religiosity
N Kerry, ML Prokosch, DR Murray
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 49 (5), 709-726, 2023
Being thankful for what you have: a systematic review of evidence for the effect of gratitude on life satisfaction
N Kerry, R Chhabra, JDW Clifton
Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 4799-4816, 2023
Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism
N Kerry, L Al-Shawaf, M Barbato, C Batres, KR Blake, Y Cha, GV Chauvin, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1982), 20220978, 2022
Gluttons for Punishment? Experimentally Induced Hunger Unexpectedly Reduces Harshness of Suggested Punishments.
N Kerry, RN Loria, DR Murray
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2019
Male descendant kin promote conservative views on gender issues and conformity to traditional norms
N Kerry, KR Blake, DR Murray, RC Brooks
Evolutionary Human Sciences 3, e34, 2021
Is formidability associated with political conservatism?
N Kerry, DR Murray
Evolutionary Psychological Science 5, 220-230, 2019
Politics and Parenting
N Kerry, DR Murray
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Parenting, 135, 2021
Too strong to care? Investigating the links between formidability, worldviews, and views on climate and disaster
ML Prokosch, CT Smith, N Kerry, J von Meding
Politics and the life sciences 41 (2), 200-231, 2022
Cultures of Fear: Individual Differences in Perception of Physical (but Not Disease) Threats Predict Cultural Neophobia in both Immigrant and Mainstream Americans
N Kerry, Z Airington, DR Murray
Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2020
Political results: Outcomes of sporting events affect egalitarian attitudes and ingroup evaluations
N Kerry, DR Murray, JL Harman, JL McCord
Self and Identity 20 (3), 423-437, 2021
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Articles 1–20