Nima Pardis
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Cited by
Deformation behavior in Simple Shear Extrusion (SSE) as a new severe plastic deformation technique
N Pardis, R Ebrahimi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (1-2), 355-360, 2009
An overview on severe plastic deformation: research status, techniques classification, microstructure evolution, and applications
E Bagherpour, N Pardis, M Reihanian, R Ebrahimi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100 (5), 1647 …, 2019
Cyclic expansion-extrusion (CEE): A modified counterpart of cyclic extrusion-compression (CEC)
N Pardis, B Talebanpour, R Ebrahimi, S Zomorodian
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (25-26), 7537-7540, 2011
Structural characteristics of Cu/Ti bimetal composite produced by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB)
M Hosseini, N Pardis, HD Manesh, M Abbasi, DI Kim
Materials & Design 113, 128-136, 2017
Different processing routes for deformation via simple shear extrusion (SSE)
N Pardis, R Ebrahimi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (23), 6153-6156, 2010
A novel single pass severe plastic deformation technique: Vortex extrusion
M Shahbaz, N Pardis, R Ebrahimi, B Talebanpour
Materials Science and Engineering: A 530, 469-472, 2011
Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of cyclic expansion–extrusion deformed pure copper
N Pardis, C Chen, R Ebrahimi, LS Toth, CF Gu, B Beausir, L Kommel
Materials Science and Engineering: A 628, 423-432, 2015
Investigation on the feasibility of room temperature plastic deformation of pure magnesium by simple shear extrusion process
NB Tork, N Pardis, R Ebrahimi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 560, 34-39, 2013
Finite element analysis of the plastic deformation in tandem process of simple shear extrusion and twist extrusion
JG Kim, M Latypov, N Pardis, YE Beygelzimer, HS Kim
Materials & Design 83, 858-865, 2015
Development of new routes of severe plastic deformation through cyclic expansion–extrusion process
N Pardis, C Chen, M Shahbaz, R Ebrahimi, LS Toth
Materials Science and Engineering: A 613, 357-364, 2014
Determination of strain-hardening exponent using double compression test
R Ebrahimi, N Pardis
Materials Science and Engineering: A 518 (1-2), 56-60, 2009
Ten years of severe plastic deformation (SPD) in Iran, part I: equal channel angular pressing (ECAP)
E Bagherpour, M Reihanian, N Pardis, R Ebrahimi, TG Langdon
Iranian Journal of Materials Forming 5 (1), 71-113, 2018
Equivalent strain at large shear deformation: Theoretical, numerical and finite element analysis
N Pardis, R Ebrahimi, HS Kim
Journal of Applied Research and Technology 15 (5), 442-448, 2017
Experimental and finite element analyses of plastic deformation behavior in vortex extrusion
M Shahbaz, N Pardis, JG Kim, R Ebrahimi, HS Kim
Materials Science and Engineering: A 674, 472-479, 2016
Finite element analysis of severe plastic deformation by rectangular vortex extrusion
H Ataei, M Shahbaz, HS Kim, N Pardis
Metals and Materials International 27 (4), 676-682, 2021
Ten years of severe plastic deformation (SPD) in Iran, part II: accumulative roll bonding (ARB)
M Reihanian, E Bagherpour, N Pardis, R Ebrahimi, N Tsuji
Iranian Journal of Materials Forming 5 (2), 1-25, 2018
Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of a Material Processed by Streamline Proposed Vortex Extrusion Die
M Shahbaz, N Pardis, J Moon, R Ebrahimi, HS Kim
Metals and Materials International 27 (3), 522-529, 2021
Micromechanical properties and electrical conductivity of Cu and Cu-0.7 wt% Cr alloy
L Kommel, N Pardis, E Kimmar
Proceedings of 9th International DAAAM Baltic Conference “Industrial …, 2014
Strain composite strips produced by accumulative roll bonding technique
A Yazdani, N Pardis, R Hosseini, R Ebrahimi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 577, 158-160, 2013
Utilization of channel angular deformation as an alternative for direct extrusion
B Talebanpour, N Pardis, M Hariri, MM Moshksar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (10-11), 2492-2497, 2010
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Articles 1–20