Hamed Hasani
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Cited by
Time-to-functionality fragilities for performance assessment of buildings
J Furley, JW van de Lindt, S Pei, S Wichman, H Hasani, JW Berman, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 147 (12), 04021217, 2021
Seismic performance evaluation of jacket-type offshore platforms using endurance time method considering soil-pile-superstructure interaction
H Hasani, AA Golafshani, H Estekanchi
Scientia Iranica 4 (24), 12, 2017
Experimental cyclic test of reduced damage detailed drywall partition walls integrated with a timber rocking wall
H Hasani, KL Ryan
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 26 (10), 5109-5129, 2022
Pre-test seismic evaluation of drywall partition walls integrated with a timber rocking wall
H Hasani, K Ryan, A Amer, J Ricles, R Sause
Proceedings of the US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2018
Effect of partition walls on the seismic response of mass-timber buildings with a post-tensioned rocking wall system
H Hasani, KL Ryan
Engineering Structures 262, 114316, 2022
Experimental Seismic Test of Drywall Partition Walls with Improved Detailing for Damage Reduction
R Ryan, H Hasani
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2020
Examination of Gap Detailing in Drywall Partition Walls with Return Walls
H Hasani, KL Ryan
Bidirectional Testing of Drywall Partition Walls with Novel Details, Integrated into a Rocking Wall Subassembly | Phase 1: Slip Behavior in Drywall Partition Walls
H Hasani, K Ryan, A Amer, T Marullo, J Ricles, 2021
Bidirectional Testing of Drywall Partition Walls with Novel Details, Integrated into a Rocking Wall Subassembly | Phase 2: Gap Detailing in Drywall Partition Walls with Return …
H Hasani, K Ryan, A Amer, T Marullo, J Ricles, 2021
Phase 2: Gap Detailing in Drywall Partition Walls with Return Walls
H Hasani, K Ryan, A Amer, T Marullo, J Ricles
Designsafe-CI, 2021
Phase 1: Slip Behavior in Drywall Partition Walls
H Hasani, K Ryan, A Amer, T Marullo, J Ricles
Designsafe-CI, 2021
Studies of nonstructural components in tall mass timber buildings with cross-laminated timber rocking walls
H Hasani
University of Nevada, Reno, 2021
Examination of Slip Behavior in Drywall Partition Walls
H Hasani, K Ryan
Engineering Archive, 2020
Seismic Analysis of Offshore Platforms using Endurance Time Method
H Hasani
Sharif University of Technology, 2012
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Articles 1–14