David Veale
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Cited by
Body dysmorphic disorder: a survey of fifty cases
D Veale, A Boocock, K Gournay, W Dryden, F Shah, R Willson, J Walburn
The British Journal of Psychiatry 169 (2), 196-201, 1996
Exercise dependence
DMW De Coverley Veale
British journal of addiction 82 (7), 735-740, 1987
Body dysmorphic disorder: a cognitive behavioural model and pilot randomised controlled trial
D Veale, K Gournay, W Dryden, A Boocock, F Shah, R Willson, J Walburn
Behaviour research and therapy 34 (9), 717-729, 1996
Advances in a cognitive behavioural model of body dysmorphic disorder
D Veale
Body image 1 (1), 113-125, 2004
Body dysmorphic disorder in different settings: A systematic review and estimated weighted prevalence
D Veale, LJ Gledhill, P Christodoulou, J Hodsoll
Body image 18, 168-186, 2016
Efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive–compulsive disorder
D McKay, D Sookman, F Neziroglu, S Wilhelm, DJ Stein, M Kyrios, ...
Psychiatry research 225 (3), 236-246, 2015
Multidimensional body image comparisons among patients with eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, and clinical controls: a multisite study
JI Hrabosky, TF Cash, D Veale, F Neziroglu, EA Soll, DM Garner, ...
Body image 6 (3), 155-163, 2009
Specific cognitive deficits in tests sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction in obsessive–compulsive disorder
DM Veale, BJ Sahakian, AM Owen, IM Marks
Psychological medicine 26 (6), 1261-1269, 1996
The development and validation of the Exercise Dependence Questionnaire
J Ogden, D Veale, Z Summers
Addiction research 5 (4), 343-355, 1997
Body dysmorphic disorder: A treatment manual
D Veale, F Neziroglu
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the ugliest of them all? The psychopathology of mirror gazing in body dysmorphic disorder
D Veale, S Riley
Behaviour research and therapy 39 (12), 1381-1393, 2001
Executive function in Tourette's syndrome and obsessive–compulsive disorder
LH Watkins, BJ Sahakian, MM Robertson, DM Veale, RD Rogers, ...
Psychological medicine 35 (4), 571-582, 2005
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
D Veale, A Roberts
Bmj 348, g2183, 2014
Does primary exercise dependence really exist?
D Veale
Exercise addiction: Motivation for participation in sport and exercise …, 1995
Cosmetic rhinoplasty in body dysmorphic disorder
D Veale, L De Haro, C Lambrou
British journal of plastic surgery 56 (6), 546-551, 2003
Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15 521 men
D Veale, S Miles, S Bramley, G Muir, J Hodsoll
BJU international 115 (6), 978-986, 2015
The classification of obsessive–compulsive and related disorders in the ICD-11
DJ Stein, CS Kogan, M Atmaca, NA Fineberg, LF Fontenelle, JE Grant, ...
Journal of affective disorders 190, 663-674, 2016
Spontaneously occurring images and early memories in people with body dysmorphic disorder
S Osman, M Cooper, A Hackmann, D Veale
Memory 12 (4), 428-436, 2004
Social learning theory and cognitive behavioral models of body dysmorphic disorder
F Neziroglu, S Khemlani-Patel, D Veale
Body image 5 (1), 28-38, 2008
Impulse control disorders and “behavioural addictions” in the ICD-11
JE Grant, M Atmaca, NA Fineberg, LF Fontenelle, H Matsunaga, ...
World Psychiatry 13 (2), 125, 2014
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Articles 1–20