Jayappa  K S
Jayappa K S
Dept. of Marine Geology Mangalore University
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Shoreline changes and morphology of spits along southern Karnataka, west coast of India: A remote sensing and statistics-based approach
A Kumar, AC Narayana, KS Jayappa
Geomorphology 120 (3-4), 133-152, 2010
Prioritization of sub-basins based on geomorphology and morphometricanalysis using remote sensing and geographic informationsystem (GIS) techniques
K Avinash, KS Jayappa, B Deepika
Geocarto International 26 (7), 569-592, 2011
Soil loss estimation and prioritization of sub-watersheds of Kali River basin, Karnataka, India, using RUSLE and GIS
VJ Markose, KS Jayappa
Environmental monitoring and assessment 188, 1-16, 2016
Integration of hydrological factors and demarcation of groundwater prospect zones: insights from remote sensing and GIS techniques
B Deepika, K Avinash, KS Jayappa
Environmental earth sciences 70, 1319-1338, 2013
Coastal geomorphological and land‐use and land‐cover study of Sagar Island, Bay of Bengal (India) using remotely sensed data
KS Jayappa, D Mitra, AK Mishra
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (17), 3671-3682, 2006
Shoreline change rate estimation and its forecast: remote sensing, geographical information system and statistics-based approach
B Deepika, K Avinash, KS Jayappa
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 11, 395-416, 2014
Long and short-term shoreline changes along Mangalore coast, India
A Kumar, KS Jayappa
University of Tehran, 2009
Influence of coastal structures on the beaches of southern Karnataka, India
KS Jayappa, GTV Kumar, KR Subrahmanya
Journal of coastal research, 389-408, 2003
Hypsometric analysis of Kali River Basin, Karnataka, India, using geographic information system
VJ Markose, KS Jayappa
Geocarto International 26 (7), 553-568, 2011
Quantitative analysis of morphometric parameters of Kali River basin, southern India, using bearing azimuth and drainage (bAd) calculator and GIS
V Joseph Markose, AC Dinesh, KS Jayappa
Environmental earth sciences 72, 2887-2903, 2014
Basin geomorphology and drainage morphometry parameters used as indicators for groundwater prospect: insight from geographical information system (GIS) technique
K Avinash, B Deepika, KS Jayappa
Journal of Earth Science 25, 1018-1032, 2014
Evolution of spit morphology: a case study using a remote sensing and statistical based approach
K Avinash, B Deepika, KS Jayappa
Journal of coastal conservation 17, 327-337, 2013
Shoreline change analysis of Mangalore coast and morphometric analysis of Netravathi-Gurupur and Mulky-Pavanje spits
A Shetty, KS Jayappa, D Mitra
Aquatic Procedia 4, 182-189, 2015
Long-term coastal erosion assessment along the coast of Karnataka, west coast of India
K Sowmya, MD Sri, AS Bhaskar, KS Jayappa
International Journal of Sediment Research 34 (4), 335-344, 2019
Evolution of Swarna estuary and its impact on braided islands and estuarine banks, Southwest coast of India
K Avinash, KS Jayappa, P Vethamony
Environmental earth sciences 65, 835-848, 2012
Seasonal variation in textural characteristics and sedimentary environments of beach sediments, Karnataka Coast, India
SJ Kulkarni, PG Deshbhandari, KS Jayappa
Aquatic Procedia 4, 117-124, 2015
Environmental sensitivity mapping of the coast of Karnataka, west coast of India
K Sowmya, KS Jayappa
Ocean & Coastal Management 121, 70-87, 2016
Regionally tuned algorithm to study the seasonal variation of suspended sediment concentration using IRS-P4 Ocean Colour Monitor data
K Avinash, B Jena, MS Vinaya, KS Jayappa, AC Narayana, HG Bhat
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 15 (1), 67-81, 2012
Application of remote sensing and geographic information system in change detection of the Netravati and Gurpur river channels, Karnataka, India
A Kumar, KS Jayappa, B Deepika
Geocarto International 25 (5), 397-425, 2010
Distribution of coastal cliffs in Kerala, India: their mechanisms of failure and related human engineering response
A Kumar, P Seralathan, KS Jayappa
Environmental Geology 58, 815-832, 2009
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Articles 1–20