Paul Adamson
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Cited by
Modeling positrons in molecular electronic structure calculations with the nuclear-electronic orbital method
PE Adamson, XF Duan, LW Burggraf, MV Pak, C Swalina, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (6), 1346-1351, 2008
Comparison of calculated hydrocarbon strain energies using ab initio and composite methods
JE Walker, PA Adamson, SR Davis
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 487 (1-2), 145-150, 1999
Toward simultaneous 2D ACAR and 2D DBAR: Sub-pixel spatial characterization of a segmented HPGe detector using transient charges
CS Williams, WP Baker, LW Burggraf, PE Adamson, JC Petrosky
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57 (2), 860-869, 2010
Field reversed configuration translation and the magnetized target fusion collaboration
TP Intrator, GA Wurden, PE Sieck, WJ Waganaar, L Dorf, M Kostora, ...
Journal of fusion energy 28, 165-169, 2009
FRCHX Magnetized Target Fusion HEDLP Experiments IC
GA Wurden, TP Intrator, PE Sieck, L Dorf, SC Hsu, R Renneke, ...
Modeling intense-electron-beam generated plasmas using a rigid-beam approximation
AS Richardson, SB Swanekamp, ND Isner, DD Hinshelwood, D Mosher, ...
Physics of Plasmas 28 (9), 2021
Application of GAMESS/NEO to quantum calculations of muonic molecules
EV Sheely, LW Burggraf, PE Adamson, XF Duan, MW Schmidt
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 225 (1), 012049, 2010
Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) formation and compression
JH Degnan, P Adamson, D Amdahl
Proc. Int. Conf. Megagauss Magn. Field Generat. Rel. Topics, 522-531, 2008
A multi-term spherical harmonic expansion of the Boltzmann equation for application to low-temperature collisional plasmas
SB Swanekamp, PF Ottinger, PE Adamson, JL Giuliani, TB Petrova, ...
Physics of Plasmas 26 (10), 2019
Particle-in-cell simulations of ion dynamics in a pinched-beam diode
JC Foster, JW McClory, SB Swanekamp, DD Hinshelwood, ...
Physics of Plasmas 29 (5), 2022
A General Quantum Mechanical Method to Predict Positron Spectroscopy
PE Adamson
Quantum Mechanical Prediction of Experimental Observables of Positron-Vacancy Complexes in Silicon Carbide
PE Adamson
Ph. D. dissertation, Air Force Institute of Technology, 2005
Optimization of three-dimensional positron annihilation spectroscopy system (3DPASS) for three-dimensional momentum measurements
CS Williams, LW Burggraf, PE Adamson, JC Petrosky
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Three-dimensional electron-positron momentum distribution of O3+-irradiated 6H SiC using two positron spectroscopy techniques simultaneously
C Williams, L Burggraf, P Adamson, J Petrosky
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 262 (1), 012064, 2011
Simultaneous, coincident 2-D ACAR and DBAR using segmented HPGe detectors incorporating sub-pixel interpolation
CS Williams, LW Burggraf, PE Adamson, JC Petrosky, ME Oxley
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 225 (1), 012058, 2010
Electron beam impact parameters for the creation of excited species in N2 gas
SB Swanekamp, PE Adamson, ND Isner, AS Richardson
Physics of Plasmas 30 (6), 2023
The rigid-beam model for simulating plasmas generated by intense electron beams
SB Swanekamp, AS Richardson, TB Petrova, PE Adamson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.02771, 2021
TurboPy: A lightweight python framework for computational physics
AS Richardson, DF Gordon, SB Swanekamp, IM Rittersdorf, PE Adamson, ...
Computer Physics Communications 258, 107607, 2021
Adventures in the experimental development of an ultrahigh speed plasma flow
MT Domonkos, JH Degnan, PE Adamson, DJ Amdahl, B Blasy, ...
2012 14th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation …, 2012
Experiments on field reversed configuration (FRC) formation and their compression using liners
JH Degnan, P Adamson, DJ Amdahl, R Delaney, M Domonkos, G Gruen, ...
2009 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science-Abstracts, 1-1, 2009
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Articles 1–20