John Wesley White
Cited by
Cited by
Resistance to classroom participation: Minority students, academic discourse, cultural conflicts, and issues of representation in whole class discussions
JW White
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 10 (4), 250-265, 2011
Minority college students and tacit “codes of power”: Developing academic discourses and identities.
JW White, P Lowenthal
he Review of Higher Education 34 (2), 283-318, 2011
Classroom discourse and the problem of academic assimilation. American Secondary Education
JW White, C Ali-Khan
American Secondary Education 42 (1), 24-42, 2013
Sociolinguistic challenges to minority collegiate success: Entering the discourse community of the college
JW White
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 6 (4), 369-393, 2005
Academic discourse and the formation of an academic identity: Minority college students and the hidden curriculum
JW White, PR Lowenthal
Higher education 34 (2), 1-47, 2011
Character journaling through social networks: Exemplifying tenets of the New Literacy Studies.
JW White, H Hungerford-Kresser
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 57 (8), 642-654, 2014
Remake/remodel: Using electronic portfolios and a system of gates to improve student assessment and program evaluation in a teacher education program International Journal of …
JW Lowenthal, Patrick R., White, K Cooley
International Journal of ePortfolio 1 (1), 61-70, 2011
Enterprise model
PR Lowenthal, JW White
Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, Second Edition, 932-936, 2009
Collegiate Cultural Capital and Integration into the College Community
JW White, S Aragon, A Blakewood Pascale
College Student Affairs Journal, 2020
Reading “The Word and the World”: The double-edged sword of teaching critical literacy
JW White
Voices from the Middle 17 (2), 55-57, 2009
Challenging idealism: Pre-service teachers’ core beliefs before, during, and after an extended field-based experience.
JW White, R Chant
Teacher Education Quarterly 57, 2015
Pedagogy for the few: Book club discussion guides and the modern book industry as literacy teacher. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 44(3), 204-214.
W McGinley, K Conley, JW White
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 44 (3), 204-214, 2000
De-centering English in the English classroom: Using texts to highlight the dynamic nature of the English language and to promote the teaching of code-switching.
JW White
English Journal 100 (4), 44-49, 2011
Deconstructing meritocracy in the college classroom
JW White, C Ali-Khan, BP Zoellner
College Teaching 65 (3), 115-129, 2017
The changing nature of online communities of inquiry: An analysis of how discourse and time shapes students’ perceptions of presence
PR Lowenthal, JW White
Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY, 2009
From textbooks to ‘managed instructional systems’: Corporate control of the English Language Arts.
JW White
The new politics of the textbook: A project of critical examination and …, 2012
The cyclical rhetoric of educational reform and the rationalization of a failed zeitgeist
JW White, PR Lowenthal
eJournal of Educational Policy, 2009
Exploring selves and worlds through affective and imaginative engagements with literature
W McGinley, G Kamberelis, JW White
Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (4), 350-362, 2021
Between hope and despair: Teacher education in the age of Trump
C Ali-Khan, JW White
Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (7), 738-746, 2020
Sex and sexuality in the Language Arts classroom
JW White, C Ali-Khan
English Education 52 (4), 383-409, 2020
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Articles 1–20