Richard Stafford
Cited by
Cited by
Viewpoint–Ocean plastic pollution: A convenient but distracting truth?
R Stafford, PJS Jones
Marine policy 103, 187-191, 2019
Snails and their trails: the multiple functions of trail‐following in gastropods
TPT Ng, SH Saltin, MS Davies, K Johannesson, R Stafford, GA Williams
Biological Reviews 88 (3), 683-700, 2013
Role of an identified looming-sensitive neuron in triggering a flying locust's escape
RD Santer, FC Rind, R Stafford, PJ Simmons
Journal of Neurophysiology 95 (6), 3391-3400, 2006
Eu-social science: the role of internet social networks in the collection of bee biodiversity data
R Stafford, AG Hart, L Collins, CL Kirkhope, RL Williams, SG Rees, ...
PloS one 5 (12), e14381, 2010
A bio-inspired visual collision detection mechanism for cars: Optimisation of a model of a locust neuron to a novel environment
S Yue, FC Rind, MS Keil, J Cuadri, R Stafford
Neurocomputing 69 (13-15), 1591-1598, 2006
Communicating complex ecological models to non-scientist end users
SJ Cartwright, KM Bowgen, C Collop, K Hyder, J Nabe-Nielsen, R Stafford, ...
Ecological Modelling 338, 51-59, 2016
Regression with empirical variable selection: description of a new method and application to ecological datasets
AE Goodenough, AG Hart, R Stafford
PloS one 7 (3), e34338, 2012
Optimisation of 3D printed concrete for artificial reefs: Biofouling and mechanical analysis
O Ly, AI Yoris-Nobile, N Sebaibi, E Blanco-Fernandez, M Boutouil, ...
Construction and Building Materials 272, 121649, 2021
Linking behaviour and climate change in intertidal ectotherms: insights from littorinid snails
TPT Ng, SLY Lau, L Seuront, MS Davies, R Stafford, DJ Marshall, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 492, 121-131, 2017
A bio-inspired visual collision detection mechanism for cars: combining insect inspired neurons to create a robust system
R Stafford, RD Santer, FC Rind
BioSystems 87 (2-3), 164-171, 2007
Latitudinal diversity patterns in estuarine tidal flats: indications of a global cline
MJ Attrill, R Stafford, AA Rowden
Ecography 24 (3), 318-324, 2001
DAPSTOM-an integrated database & portal for fish stomach records
JK Pinnegar, M Platts
Page Cefas Contr. Rep., 2014
Nature-based solutions for climate change in the UK
R Stafford, B Chamberlain, L Clavey, PK Gillingham, S McKain, ...
British Ecological Society, 2021
Spatial patchiness of epilithic biofilm caused by refuge-inhabiting high shore gastropods
R Stafford, MS Davies
Hydrobiologia 545, 279-287, 2005
Biodiversity in urban gardens: Assessing the accuracy of citizen science data on garden hedgehogs
RL Williams, R Stafford, AE Goodenough
Urban Ecosystems 18, 819-833, 2015
Mucus trail following as a mate-searching strategy in mangrove littorinid snails
TPT Ng, MS Davies, R Stafford, GA Williams
Animal Behaviour 82 (3), 459-465, 2011
Is adjustment of breeding phenology keeping pace with the need for change? Linking observed response in woodland birds to changes in temperature and selection pressure: A letter
AE Goodenough, AG Hart, R Stafford
Climatic change 102 (3), 687-697, 2010
Retinally-generated saccadic suppression of a locust looming-detector neuron: investigations using a robot locust
RD Santer, R Stafford, FC Rind
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 1 (1), 61-77, 2004
Computer simulations of high shore littorinids predict small-scale spatial and temporal distribution patterns on rocky shores
R Stafford, MS Davies, GA Williams
Marine Ecology Progress Series 342, 151-161, 2007
The causal relationship between sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism in marine gastropods
TPT Ng, E Rolán-Alvarez, SS Dahlén, MS Davies, D Estévez, R Stafford, ...
Animal behaviour 148, 53-62, 2019
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