Samer M. Abdallah
Samer M. Abdallah
Senior Partner | Strategy Consulting
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Cited by
Radon measurements in well and spring water in Lebanon
SM Abdallah, RR Habib, RY Nuwayhid, M Chatila, G Katul
Radiation measurements 42 (2), 298-303, 2007
A novel mechanism for stereo active vision
H Truong, S Abdallah, S Rougeaux, A Zelinsky
Australian conf. on robotics and automation, 2000
An experimental comparison of appearance and geometric model based recognition
J Mundy, A Liu, N Pillow, A Zisserman, S Abdallah, S Utcke, S Nayar, ...
Object Representation in Computer Vision II: ECCV'96 International Workshop …, 1996
Preliminary experiments in visual servo control for autonomous underwater vehicle
C Silpa-Anan, T Brinsmead, S Abdallah, A Zelinsky
Proceedings 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2001
Object recognition via invariance
SM Abdallah
Graduate School of Engineering, University of Sydney, 2000
Robust camera calibration for an autonomous underwater vehicle
M Bryant, D Wettergreen, S Abdallah, A Zelinsky
Proc. Australian Conf. on Robotics and Autom, 111-116, 2000
Tree trunks as landmarks for outdoor vision SLAM
DC Asmar, JS Zelek, SM Abdallah
2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW …, 2006
A high-performance camera platform for real-time active vision
A Brooks, G Dickins, A Zelinsky, J Kieffer, S Abdallah
Field and Service Robotics, 527-532, 1998
Mortality rates among nuclear industry workers at Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre
RR Habib, SM Abdallah, M Law, J Kaldor
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 29 (3), 229-237, 2005
Object recognition and orientation via Zernike moments
SM Abdallah, EM Nebot, DC Rye
Computer Vision—ACCV'98: Third Asian Conference on Computer Vision Hong …, 1997
A shape error metric for sheet metal forming and its application to springback
BF Rolfe, MJ Cardew-Hall, SM Abdallah, GAW West
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 125 (3), 468-475, 2003
Geometric shape errors in forging: developing a metric and an inverse model
BF Rolfe, MJ Cardew-Hall, SM Abdallah, GAW West
Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part B: journal of …, 2001
Cancer incidence among Australian nuclear industry workers
RR Habib, SM Abdallah, M Law, J Kaldor
Journal of occupational health 48 (5), 358-365, 2006
A benchmark for outdoor vision SLAM systems
SM Abdallah, DC Asmar, JS Zelek
Journal of Field Robotics 24 (1‐2), 145-165, 2007
SmartSLAM: localization and mapping across multi-environments
DC Asmar, JS Zelek, SM Abdallah
2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat …, 2004
Identification of a model which relates variations in shape geometry to discrete process control variables in shape forging
BF Rolfe, MJ Cardew-Hall, SM Abdallah, GAW West
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Processing …, 1999
Using geometric shape variations to create an inverse model for a sheet metal process
BF Rolfe, MJ Cardew-Hall, SM Abdallah, GAW West
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2003
Development of autonomous underwater vehicle towards visual servo control
C Silpa-Anan, S Abdallah, D Wettergreen
Proceeding of the Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2000
FE Robustness: comparing sheet metal forming variation and finite element models
BF Rolfe, SM Abdallah, GAW West, MJ Cardew‐Hall
AIP Conference Proceedings 712 (1), 958-963, 2004
Towards benchmarks for vision SLAM algorithms
SM Abdallah, DC Asmar, JS Zelek
Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2006
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Articles 1–20