Ivan Georg Szendro Teran
Ivan Georg Szendro Teran
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Quantitative analyses of empirical fitness landscapes
IG Szendro, MF Schenk, J Franke, J Krug, JAGM de Visser
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2013 (01), P01005, 2013
Patterns of epistasis between beneficial mutations in an antibiotic resistance gene
MF Schenk, IG Szendro, MLM Salverda, J Krug, JAGM de Visser
Molecular biology and evolution 30 (8), 1779-1787, 2013
Predictability of evolution depends nonmonotonically on population size
IG Szendro, J Franke, JAGM de Visser, J Krug
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (2), 571-576, 2013
Quantifying the adaptive potential of an antibiotic resistance enzyme
MF Schenk, IG Szendro, J Krug, JAGM de Visser
PLoS genetics 8 (6), e1002783, 2012
Adaptation in tunably rugged fitness landscapes: The Rough Mount Fuji Model
J Neidhart, IG Szendro, J Krug
Genetics 198 (2), 699-721, 2014
Structure of characteristic Lyapunov vectors in spatiotemporal chaos
D Pazó, IG Szendro, JM López, MA Rodríguez
Physical Review E 78 (1), 016209, 2008
Van Kampen's expansion approach in an opinion formation model
MS de La Lama, IG Szendro, JR Iglesias, HS Wio
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 51 (3 …, 2006
Unraveling the causes of adaptive benefits of synonymous mutations in TEM-1 β-lactamase
MP Zwart, MF Schenk, S Hwang, B Koopmanschap, N de Lange, ...
Heredity 121 (5), 406-421, 2018
Spatiotemporal structure of Lyapunov vectors in chaotic coupled-map lattices
IG Szendro, D Pazó, MA Rodríguez, JM López
Physical Review E 76 (2), 025202, 2007
Exact results for amplitude spectra of fitness landscapes
J Neidhart, IG Szendro, J Krug
Journal of theoretical biology 332, 218-227, 2013
Rare events in population genetics: stochastic tunneling in a two-locus model with recombination
A Altland, A Fischer, J Krug, IG Szendro
Physical Review Letters 106 (8), 088101, 2011
Scaling properties of growing noninfinitesimal perturbations in space-time chaos
JM López, C Primo, MA Rodríguez, IG Szendro
Physical Review E 70 (5), 056224, 2004
Localization in disordered media, anomalous roughening, and coarsening dynamics of faceted surfaces
IG Szendro, JM López, MA Rodríguez
Physical Review E 76 (1), 011603, 2007
Error growth patterns in systems with spatial chaos: From coupled map lattices to global weather models
C Primo, IG Szendro, MA Rodríguez, JM Gutiérrez
Physical review letters 98 (10), 108501, 2007
Multidimensional epistasis and the transitory advantage of sex
S Nowak, J Neidhart, IG Szendro, J Krug
PLoS Computational Biology 10 (9), e1003836, 2014
On the problem of data assimilation by means of synchronization
IG Szendro, MA Rodríguez, JM López
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D20), 2009
Sensitivity and out‐of‐sample error in continuous time data assimilation
J Bröcker, IG Szendro
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 138 (664), 785-801, 2012
Dynamic scaling of bred vectors in spatially extended chaotic systems
C Primo, IG Szendro, MA Rodríguez, JM López
Europhysics Letters 76 (5), 767, 2006
Phase transition in random adaptive walks on correlated fitness landscapes
SC Park, IG Szendro, J Neidhart, J Krug
Physical Review E 91 (4), 042707, 2015
Predictability, bred vectors, and generation of ensembles in space-time chaotic systems
C Primo, MA Rodríguez, JM López, I Szendro
Physical Review E 72 (1), 015201, 2005
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Articles 1–20