Yogesh M. Joshi,
Yogesh M. Joshi,
J C Bose Fellow and Professor of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
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Thermal performance of closed two-phase thermosyphon using nanofluids
S Khandekar, YM Joshi, B Mehta
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 47 (6), 659-667, 2008
Rheological characterization of styrene-butadiene based medium and its finishing performance using rotational abrasive flow finishing process
MR Sankar, VK Jain, J Ramkumar, YM Joshi
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 51 (12), 947-957, 2011
Chemical stability of Laponite in aqueous media
S Jatav, YM Joshi
Applied Clay Science 97, 72-77, 2014
Dynamics of Colloidal Glasses and Gels
YM Joshi
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 5, 181-202, 2014
Rheological behaviour of aqueous suspensions of laponite: new insights into the ageing phenomena
YM Joshi, GRK Reddy, AL Kulkarni, N Kumar, RP Chhabra
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2008
Microstructure and soft glassy dynamics of an aqueous laponite dispersion
K Suman, YM Joshi
Langmuir 34 (44), 13079-13103, 2018
Physicochemical Effects in Aging Aqueous Laponite Suspensions
A Shahin, YM Joshi
Langmuir 28 (44), 15674, 2012
Yield stress fluids and ageing
YM Joshi, G Petekidis
Rheologica Acta 57, 521-549, 2018
Irreversible aging dynamics and generic phase behavior of aqueous suspensions of laponite
A Shahin, YM Joshi
Langmuir 26 (6), 4219–4225, 2010
Polyaniline–sodium montmorillonite clay nanocomposites: effect of clay concentration on thermal, structural, and electrical properties
S Kazim, S Ahmad, J Pfleger, J Plestil, YM Joshi
Journal of Materials Science 47 (1), 420-428, 2012
Aging in a colloidal glass in creep flow: Time-stress superposition
YM Joshi, GRK Reddy
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (2 …, 2008
Slipping fluids: a unified transient network model
YM Joshi, AK Lele, RA Mashelkar
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 89 (3), 303-335, 2000
Molecular model for wall slip: Role of convective constraint release
YM Joshi, AK Lele, RA Mashelkar
Macromolecules 34 (10), 3412-3420, 2001
Model for cage formation in colloidal suspension of laponite
YM Joshi
Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (8), 81102, 2007
Prediction of long and short time rheological behavior in soft glassy materials
A Shahin, YM Joshi
Physical Review Letters 106, 038302, 2011
Stress relaxation in aging soft colloidal glasses
R Bandyopadhyay, PH Mohan, YM Joshi
Soft Matter 6 (7), 1462-1466, 2010
On the universality of the scaling relations during sol-gel transition
K Suman, YM Joshi
Journal of Rheology 64 (4), 863-877, 2020
Phase behavior of aqueous suspension of laponite: New insights with microscopic evidence
S Jatav, YM Joshi
Langmuir 33 (9), 2370-2377, 2017
Hyper-aging dynamics of nanoclay suspension
A Shahin, YM Joshi
Langmuir 28 (13), 5826-5833, 2012
Rupture of entangled polymeric liquids in elongational flow
YM Joshi, MM Denn
Journal of Rheology 47 (1), 291-298, 2003
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Articles 1–20